seventeen; the realization pt. 2

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It's so quiet on the bus you could probably hear my pen writing on the paper

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It's so quiet on the bus you could probably hear my pen writing on the paper. After today, it's totally understandable. A LOT happened today. First off, Eric Warner called Peter my "boyfriend" and I don't know if he was just harmlessly joking or being homophobic, but in the moment, I was panicking. I didn't know how to respond. What made him think that? Did he watch us on the bus? Was it that obvious? Did Peter say something? Worst part is that I can't even ask Peter because we haven't spoken since we were dangling in an elevator shaft at the Washington Monument.

Oh yeah...Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

Who the fuck saw that coming? No one. Actually, I did kind of guess it a while ago but I wasn't serious about it.

He saved the decathlon team from the elevator (which exploded? Something exploded? I can't really remember, it all happened so fast). I was the last one in the elevator before it fell and Spider-Man grabbed me. I can't believe I'm about to admit this but it was thrilling actually (Excluding the whole episode that happened in the elevator. Thank god for Flash and Dolly Parton.) So yeah, I almost died but...Spider-Man is so cool I kind of forgot that we were hanging more than 500ft above the ground. What's even cooler? Peter is Spider-Man. My Peter! How sick is that?

I just hope he isn't mad at me because I figured out his secret. I can feel him staring at me from across the bus aisle right now and I've been staring down at this journal for so long, I'm officially committing to not making eye contact with him. I have no idea what to say to him, so for now I'm just gonna start doodling until eventually I get the courage to look up and face him.

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