thirty-four; the spider-man('s bestie)

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After dropping off Peter at home, Nico went back to school to pick up Flash. He had no reaction to the damage done to his car, and Nico assumed it was because he was drunk. He wasn't – and instead grabbed the keys from Nico and happily mumbled to himself, "Spider-Man was in my car." 

For the entire ride back to Nico's apartment, Flash asked nonstop questions about his adventure with Spider-Man. Nico lied and said all he did was drive and wait in the car for most of the night, but Flash still found that news to be extremely exciting. 

"What does he smell like?"

"Smell? Okay this is getting weird. I'm tired, can I please leave now?" Nico replied, his hand already placed on the car door handle.

"Fine. We can talk about this tomorrow. You're probably tired from helping Spider-Man." Flash stated.

"Yeah, that's why I'm tired." Nico chuckled sarcastically, "Goodnight, Flash." 

"Goodnight, Spider-Man's bestie!" 

Nico turned and headed into the apartment building, hearing the sound of tires screeching from behind him as Flash sped away. He made his way to his apartment and unlocked the front door to find his parents sleeping on the couch. He quietly shut off the TV and tiptoed to his room, almost letting out a scream as he found a figure sitting on his bed.

"What the fuck, Peter?" Nico shouted in a hushed tone, flicking on the lights.

"Sorry, I just can't go home looking like this. May would freak." Peter said quietly.

Nico paused for a moment, "Okay, I'll be right back." he said as he exited the room. He snuck into the bathroom and changed into his pyjamas before wetting a clean cloth and grabbing the first aid kit. On his way out of the bathroom he bumps into his dad.

"Oh you're back. How was the dance?" Mr. Delmar asked groggily, not noticing Nico suspiciously attempting to hide the items in his hand behind his back. 

" It was fun." Nico said as he tried to slip past him without showing his back.

"Good." Mr. Delmar murmured before shutting the bathroom door on Nico.

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