ten; the spider-man

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It was around seven, and Nico and Peter had finished their physics project an hour ago. The two sat on the ground in Nico's room, with a large box of pepperoni pizza and cream soda floats in front of them. The two were in an intense conversation about what could happen in the new Star Wars movie.

"I dunno man, I think Luke will die," Nico said jokingly as he took a sip of his drink.

Peter gasped dramatically, causing Nico to choke on his drink as he laughed. "How could you say that?"

"Calm down, Parker, I said I think he'll die, not that I hate him," Nico replied.

"That's pretty much the same thing," Peter said with a light chuckle.

Nico smiled and shook his head, "That's definitely not." Nico's eyes trailed towards his record player. "Oh there's this song I think you'd like."

Peter watched as Nico stood up and walked over to a collection of vinyls. Nico turned up the volume and as Peter finally recognized the ever-so familiar opening beat of 'Never Gonna Give You Up' he groaned. "Did-did you just rickroll me? In real life?"

Nico smiled and let out a small laugh. Peter couldn't help but smile as he saw how happy he was. Everytime Nico smiled Peter almost forgot that he got stuck in the deli shop that night. Peter thought about him a lot after that night. If anything had happened to him it would've been his fault – because of him the robbers fired that weapon and blew up the shop.

"Flash gave me a bunch of his dad's old vinyls and it's just Rick Astley and Dolly Parton stuff," Nico said, "But I do think you'd like this Smiths album," he stated, placing a different vinyl on the record player.

"Can I...Can I ask you something?" Peter said, Nico nodded as he sat back down in front of Peter. "Why are you friends with Flash?" Peter asked softly.

Nico examined Peter's face. The way he looked at him with his puppy dog eyes made his heart beat faster. He didn't understand why Flash could be so mean to him and he kind of hated him for it.

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