thirty-seven; the end

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My word of the day. It basically means when you find something good by chance. When I read it this morning I sent it to Peter because of how wrong it was. Side note: he immediately sent me a bunch of heart emojis before calling to *repeatedly* tell me he loves me. My god that boy is everything to me.

Anyways, why did I say it was wrong? Well because I don't think it was chance that brought us together – we were meant to be together. I know, cliché, right? But who the fuck cares? Life's too short to not be a little cliché once in a while, and one day, if I ever look back at this journal, I'd rather be cringing at how embarrassingly passionate I was than be sad for not caring enough about anything.

So, I like to think that even if Ms. Warren hadn't moved me to the back of the class that one morning, Peter and I still would've found our way to each other. I mean, from a look at my earliest entries, he was on my mind long before I even knew why. If we didn't talk that morning, with no doubt, I know that later on my curious ass would've dug deeper into my Spider-Man theory and boom! Before I know it, I'm in love with him again.

Now that I think of it – back to the beginning of the semester – maybe I was never boring. My ordinary life is lame to me, but thinking about it from the outside, maybe it was more special than I thought – and I'm glad I wrote all of it down. Nico's Journal of Shit That Ain't Your Business is on it's final page and I never thought this day would come. Back when my mom gave me this thing I didn't think I'd make it past two days but here I am, mi amigos.

So yeah, if my life was truly uneventful and boring, I never would've filled these pages. All this time I wanted something crazy and to go on this epic adventure without realizing it was all unfolding in front of me, and when I finally did I found out how exhausting it all is. I wanted to be like Spider-Man but now I'm fully content just being with him. I still don't know how Peter juggles it all, but I know I'll be happily there by his side to help him through it.

Half a school year passed and I almost died like two times, pulled some Fast & Furious shit with Flash's car, had more panic attacks than I ever had in a year, and saw Spider-Man beat the Vulture with a front row seat. All these thrills and none of them come close to the thrill that I get when I'm with him, because the thrills I felt earlier were temporary. The thrill I feel with Peter isn't, and I hope that feeling never goes away, and for once I don't even want to think about the future because I'm really happy right now.

Okay dear journal, this is it. The last line. It was fun. Thanks for letting me tell you all my shit. 

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