thirty-one; the kiss

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Let's just say that tonight was eventful... and the night isn't even over yet.

First of all, I'm a criminal. God knows how many laws I broke in that twenty minute drive from school to Brooklyn. I was like 30 over the speed limit in a city zone! I should be in jail! I'm probably gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my life, and on my deathbed I'll finally confess and then my whole family will rethink their lives and how they've actually been living with a psycho criminal this whole time...

That's dramatic. I actually think I'm just never going to drive again.

Okay now secondly, Peter Parker. Peter fucking Parker! He kissed my forehead. What the fuck? The mess this boy has made of my emotions... I swear he'll be the death of me. He just kissed me out of nowhere? He hasn't even apologized properly!

Maybe it was nothing...Heat of the moment or whatever. I mean, we did almost die, the car was so close to toppling over, so it's understandable. It was just a friendly interaction.

No what the fuck am I talking about? Of course it wasn't "friendly." He wouldn't kiss Ned on the forehead like that...would he? I actually can't rule this out because I don't know the detailed dynamics of their friendship.

But anyways, he still cares, and even if it was platonic I'm going back. I can't hate him and I definitely can't let him do this alone. I don't know how I'm gonna be any help in taking down a grown man in a mechanical winged-suit, so I guess I'll be the emotional support? Which is funny because I'm usually the one who needs the emotional support. Anyways, I don't know why I'm still typing. I gotta go find him.

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