fourteen; the bus ride

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The decathlon team was waiting around outside the school bus as Mr. Harrington gave directions to the bus driver. Nico sat under a tree, sketching a few skyscrapers in the back of his journal as Flash rambled on about how cool the hotel they were staying at is.

"You think I could sneak into the bar?" Flash asked.

Nico looked up at Flash and adjusted his sunglasses as his friend waited for an answer. "No. You don't even look tall enough to ride the Cyclone."

"Fuck you. I am." Flash said sternly. He tried to keep a serious face, but as Nico stared back at him, he finally broke and the two started laughing.

"Hey, it's Peter!"

Nico stopped laughing and looked over to see Peter running towards the team.

"The hell is he doing here?" Flash questioned.

"Hey guys, I was hoping..maybe I could rejoin the team." Peter said as his eyes darted between everyone before finally landing on Nico who gave him a small smile.

"No," Flash responded, "no way. You can't quit on us and stroll up and be welcomed back by everyone."

"Hey, welcome back, Peter!" Mr. Harrington greeted as he got off the bus. Nico snorted, earning a glare from Flash. "Flash, you're back to first alternate." Mr. Harrington stated.

"What?" Flash retorted.

"He's taking your place!" A team member said as everyone chuckled.

"Uh can we go already?" MJ interrupted, "Cause I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so..."

Mr. Harrington smiled, "Protesting is patriotic. Okay, let's get on the bus."

The team headed into the bus as Flash huffed and aggressively tossed his yellow team blazer at Peter. Nico slid his journal into his backpack and approached Flash, "Don't worry, buddy, you can wow people with your knowledge another time." Nico said as he patted Flash on the back. Flash shook Nico off and stomped onto the bus. Nico turned to Peter, "What changed your mind?"

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