thirty-five; the impression

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It's official, Peter Parker is like the coolest person to ever exist and he's my boyfriend. It's an honour, really. 

He's so cool and cute and funny and definitely isn't looking over my shoulder while I write this…...

Ok thank you, Peter. 

Anyways. He's out there saving the world and swinging across the city, while still making time for school and me? I gotta give it to him, because I think I'd have daily breakdowns and lose all my hair from all the stress that would cause me. 

We're going to meet Tony Stark right now. Iron fucking Man. I'm losing it! (In a good way!) Peter has told me so much about him I swear I haven't seen him this excited before. I hope I get to see some cool Stark tech or even the Iron Man suit in real life… I don't know if I'd be frozen in awe or turn into an embarrassing fanboy? I hope not the latter because I really want to make a good impression. Peter seems to care a lot about him and I don't want to make a fool of myself or him or the both of us. But I have faith in myself, I'm usually pretty cool when meeting new people… but still...this is THE Tony Stark… No, Nico, pull it together. Act cool.

OK. I'm cutting this entry short because 1) we're almost there and 2) I'm low on pages. I still don't know if I should buy another journal and continue writing once this one is full. Writing everything down helps but god is it ever a hassle to carry around a journal and pen all the time. Maybe I should migrate over to the notes app for my next journal? Or maybe Google Docs?

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