thirteen; the prayer

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I've never been on a date before but I think I just went on one tonight? Does watching Scream Games: The Ultimate Game in an empty theatre with a friend count as a date? I'm gonna say yes in this case

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I've never been on a date before but I think I just went on one tonight? Does watching Scream Games: The Ultimate Game in an empty theatre with a friend count as a date? I'm gonna say yes in this case. I never found out any of Peter's secrets, but that's okay I guess. I like him, and I got plenty of time to learn more about him. Why rush surprises? But there was a moment during the movie. It was the perfect time. I should ask him what he's hiding, right? I should...I should've. But I didn't. Instead, I just leaned closer and so did he and I'm probably reading too much into this....

When I got back dad was on my ass for some reason. Okay I might have forgotten to mention where I was but no one was home. He should be lucky I'm not addicted to drugs or something, I could be doing a lot more worse things out there like joining a secret villain organization hell-bent on terrorizing New York or vaping. But no, I went to the movies once this month and he loses his shit. Thank god I'm going to D.C. tomorrow so I can get away from him for a bit. I can't believe I'm writing this out but I'm praying Peter can find a way to come tomorrow. I think I like having him around.

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