twenty; the after-school activities

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"Don't even think about letting go of me," Nico joked halfheartedly, locking his arms tightly behind Peter's neck. The two stood on top of the Brooklyn Bridge, watching the nighttime skyline. Despite the width of a few hundred feet across the bridge's tower, and the fact that if anything happened he would be there to catch him, Peter secured his grip around Nico's waist.

"Sometimes I forget how cool New York can actually be," Nico mumbled as he looked past Peter and took in the twinkling lights of the bustling city. Peter smiled as he took in Nico's reaction. The lights on the bridge below barely illuminated the area on top of the towers where the two stood, but Peter could still make out the look of wonder on Nico's face.

"Not fair you get to see all this whenever you want."

"You can too," Peter replied softly, "Whenever and wherever you want to go, I'll take you."

Nico reverted his gaze to Peter and smiled before pressing a gentle kiss on his lips. "I don't mean to ruin the moment but it's getting late and my dad will probably flip if I'm not back soon."

"Okay, but give me a minute." Peter responded.


"I just want to look at you."

Nico threw his head back and laughed, "Oh my god, you're so cheesy."

"You literally write in a journal," Peter chuckled.

"Wow," Nico gasped, pretending to be hurt, "if we weren't like 300ft in the air I'd totally walk away from you right now."

"No you wouldn't," Peter laughed.

Nico smiled, "Yeah, I wouldn't."


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