four; the saviour

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Nico hummed "The Imperial March" as his finger glided across the mousepad of the laptop

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Nico hummed "The Imperial March" as his finger glided across the mousepad of the laptop. He should be at home watching Netflix but instead was paying his father's taxes.

"Nico! Come quick!" Mr. Delmar shouted. Nico immediately pushed his chair back and ran into the front of the shop. "Check it out, it's the Spider-Man!" his father stated, pointing to the bank across the street.

"Holy shit," Nico whispered, "he's glorious." Nico added as his father lightly chuckled.

"I think I need to call the cops," Mr. Delmar stated as he slowly walked to the phone, not talking his eyes off of Spider-Man fighting the masked robbers.

Nico watched Spider-Man dodge the rays of the robbers like a kid seeing the zoo animals for the first time. After what I saw, there is no way Peter Parker can be Spider-Man.

The scene before him looked like one out of a well shot action movie; the colours, the way they fought, almost as if it were choreographed – it was safe to say that Nico was awestruck. 

"I need to film this," Nico said in a quick sentence before running to the break room. Murph immediately ran out of the room as Nico entered to search for his phone. As he grabbed his phone from under his sweater on the table, Nico turns around and is blinded by a white light.

He hunched over and covered his eyes as he heard crackling come from around him. He slowly lifted his head while his eyes start to recover from the light. He immediately realized the room was on fire.

With shaky hands, Nico attempted to shove his stuff into his backpack. His heart thudded loudly and rapidly in his chest as sweat started to roll down the side of his face while the room continued to get hotter.

Before he could make a run for the door, the walls in front of him start to break apart and burning wood blocked his path. Nico backed up from the flames, not even realizing that tears had started to well in his eyes. He opened his mouth to call for his dad but no sound left his throat. He was stuck.

I seriously thought I was going to die. But lo and behold, Spider-Man came to my rescue.

As Spider-Man attempted to clear a pathway, Nico sat on the ground with his knees tucked to his chest, crying hysterically while gasping here and there to catch his breath. A moment later Spider-Man finally cleared a path big enough and rushed to Nico's aid.

He immediately recognized Nico's state and dropped to his knees in front of him.

"Hey," Spider-Man said in a calm voice, "I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" he stated as he reassuringly placed his hands on either side or Nico's arms. A shelf collapsed behind them, causing Spider-Man to snap his attention back to the only entrance. It was still clear, but the room was starting to fall apart at a quicker rate.

"What's your name?" he asked, turning his attention back to Nico. He knew what it was, he just needed him to calm down enough to speak.

Nico wiped the tears from his face and took a long few breaths before finally answering. "Nico."

"Alright, Nico, we have to go. Do you think you can make it through there?" Spider-Man asked, pointing towards the small entrance. Nico shook his head. "Yes you can. I'll be right behind you, ok?"

Spider-Man stood up and stuck out his hand. Nico hesitantly placed his hand in Spider-Man's gloved one and pulled himself to his feet.

I don't remember anything after he showed up. But the last thing I remember was hugging him so tight that he might've thought I was trying to kill him.

When Nico wrapped his arm's around Spider-Man's torso the webslinger was taken back. Although he saved people he never got affection like that before (except from that one little girl who lost her mom in Times Square.) But it wasn't just the sudden affection that had him taken back, it was the boy giving him the affection that did. And it was enough to make Peter Parker's heart flutter.

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