nineteen; the crybaby

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Kissing someone you really like is everything the media makes it out to be

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Kissing someone you really like is everything the media makes it out to be. That warm feeling engulfing your whole body. The butterflies dancing around in your stomach (don't even get me started on the butterflies, oh boy I thought I was going to up and fly away). And the thought of melting right at the softest touch from the other person...I know it's all true, because that's exactly how I felt when I kissed Peter Parker. Yeah I can't believe I just wrote that. I can't believe it even happened.

For a while I didn't know what I wanted — well actually not true. Part of me did know, but my dumb brain just refused to see it, and now I'm dating Spider-Man, who's out there saving the city and it made me remember how fucking boring I am.

I'm stuck in the same routine everyday doing the same things which eventually amount to nothing. Not saying I want to be a superhero — god knows I would be a horrible one — but I can't just go through high school watching from the outside. The thing is, I have the opportunity to be cool. I just don't know where to start.

But now I have Peter, and I think that dating the coolest dude ever might help me find what I'm searching for... Something more. Something that's not running a deli ship with my dad after school and being Flash's personal cheerleader.

Alright now I forgot what I was ranting about because my mind has wandered back to the idea of me as a superhero. What a major disaster that would be. I think I'd breakdown before my villain could even throw a punch...or maybe the sheer force from my cry would be powerful enough to defeat them? Yeah I'm going to believe that.

Nico Delmar: The Crybaby. Sick superhero name, right? I'm kidding. I'll work on it. Maybe I'll ask my superhero boyfriend for suggestions.

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