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Mágoa- A heartbreaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces, visible in gestures and facial expressions.


The rumors about Everly and I begin to calm down, also the ones on Kashton but those were never that bad to begin with. The kids at our school are like dogs chasing squirrels, they'll chase after one, bark at it for a while until they spot a new one then they'll go after it, completely forgetting about the one previously.

Even though things are better, I still get stares and hear whispers. There's one thing that you need to do to survive this hell hole, and that's to be invisible. Don't make eye contact, sit in the back, and unless you have to, stay quiet. You don't get attention, no one knows you're there, you become invisible to everyone.

To all those students who are too caught up in friends and phones, even the nerds who are caught up with homework, they won't spare you a glance.

If you're lucky the teachers won't even acknowledge you, most pick favorites and they like to focus on them.

The point is, don't do anything that makes you stand out.

And that's how I started my Monday, I let out a sigh of relief at my locker thinking that strategy is going good, but that's when a certain someone ruined that. Arms wrap around my waist and a voice is loud in my ear, "Sugar!"

I screech, turning around and pushing the person away from me. My eyes grow wide when I look at who it is, "Logan what are you doing here?"

He grins and leans against the locker next to mine, "guess who you're now going to be stuck with."

"You're joking."

"I wouldn't be here if I was," he rolls his eyes before pushing off the locker and grabbing my hand. "Come along now peasant, I wanna see my bestie." Still stunned and confused that Logan is here, I let him drag me down the hall until we reach my friends. "Porter!!"

The group looks our way, including other people, so much for being invisible. "WHAT THE HELL, LOGAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!?!?"

Logan let's go of my hand and I walk over to the girls, "and the bromance continues."

"What is he even doing here?" Hegan asks.

"No idea," I shrug. "Apparently he's going here now."

"Wasn't he home schooled?" Everly questions.

I hum in response, "that's why I'm confused."

The bell rings and students start making their way to their first class of the day. Logan swings his arm around my shoulder, "Sugar, let me see your schedule."

"I've gotten rid of mine, just let me see yours." I look over it and see that we have half our classes together. I don't know what to think, dealing with him just at work can be too much sometimes.

I smile, "Great, now I'm stuck with you for most of the day," I joke. I say goodbye to the group and realize that Kashton is not there but I don't comment. I give one last smile before guiding Logan to our first period of the day.


Everything goes alright those next hours and I begin to think that maybe today won't be as awful as I thought it was going to be. Logan is fun to be around and to have in classes.

I learned that he wanted to experience his last year of school here and was able to convince his parents to enroll him. He's been excited all day, it was funny to watch him trying to figure everything out for the first time. The new talk around the school is about the second new student we've got this year and I become sick of hearing about it over and over.

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