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Clarke let her eyes flutter open lazily, her brain still hazy from the medication. "Clarke....", said a familiar voice.

Finally she let her eyes open to see everyone. Raven was the first to speak up. "Hey, you gay fuck. you gave us a real scare today.", she joked softly.

Clarke released a small chuckle since it was the most she could manage with her injuries. "that's bi fuck to you. I sort of like men."

"semantics.", Raven waved her off.

echo & lexa

lexa: I'm on my way now.

lexa: I thought about what you said,

lexa: you're right

echo: I'm sorry, did I just hear you correctly?

echo: lexa jasmin woods is admitting that I'm right?!

echo: wOw

lexa: I could do without the snarkiness

echo: just poking fun

echo: you deserve it anyways with those dumb ideas you had

lexa: whatever, I'll be there soon

the big gay theory

clarke: I lived bitches

octavia: we literally just saw you

clarke: yea, but I've always wanted to do that

luna: you've always wanted to get into a near death accident?

clarke: *I've always wanted to announce that I didnt in fact die

melissa: makes sense

katie: not really but ok

raven: anygays,


*in spongebob narrator voice*

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*in spongebob narrator voice*

three hours later

echo: omFg

echo: gUys

echo: beautiful human alert


echo: I SIMPP

raven: WHERE??

echo: they're in front of me in line of the coffee cart

melissa: ✨coffee shop au✨

melissa: you're living the dream

katie: on a scale of 1 to 10, how gay is their outfit?

echo: 11, but straight people like to dress gay so idk

echo: their haircut is kinda gay tho

katie: good good

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