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the big gay theory


raven: y'all are just fuckin w us

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raven: y'all are just fuckin w us. I know it

lexa: omfg

clarke: I havent had one of those in forever

lexa: same. it's been years

clarke: I kinda wanna order some now

clarke: wait

clarke: can I get transferred to a hospital in australia. specifically melbourne

lexa: melbourne??

clarke: yea

clarke: what's wrong w melbourne?

lexa: oh nothing, just the fact that it's not as good a place as sydney

clarke: BITCH

clarke: TF YOU MEAN

clarke: melbourne is superior

lexa: agree to disagree

clarke: no, none of that bullshit

clarke: you're going to listen to me, you gay fuck

clarke: I'll walk you to fucking melbourne w my shattered leg, bitch

clarke: watch me

clarke: I'll use my gay powers

lexa: wow

lexa: your meds clearly kicked in

lexa: that's some strong shit they're giving you to make you believe that melbourne is better than sydney

hope: yall are australian? that's hot

melissa: they're accents are heavenly, let me tell you young one

clarke: FUCK YOU, LEX

lexa: bet

clarke: get your ass to my room, you coward and I will

lexa: I'm on my way

lexa: cant believe you think melbourne is better

lexa: smh

raven: waht

octavia: the

katie: FAWK

luna: so much just fucking happened

echo: I mean I did tell lexa to go talk to clarke

raven: there will be no talking happening in that room

melissa: they're finally getting all of that built up sexual tension out

melissa: good for them

hope: yea, I'm loving being in this chat

peace out suckers

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