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a bunch of gays and octavia

echo: I would like to make an announcement

hope: is this the one you were telling me about?

echo: yes

lexa: ooooo

raven: share w the class

echo: well actually its 2 announcements

melissa: I have the patience of a dog w a treat being dangled in its face

echo: okok

echo: first,

luna: 🍿popcorn anyone?

echo: hope and I are dating!!


octavia: NICE DUDE

lexa: congrats. good luck w her hope

hope: im suprised you're not giving me the best friend talk

lexa: well you already know that I'm trained in different martial arts and am going to school to be a lawyer. that should be enough of a warning not to hurt her

clarke: and I'm gonna have a prosthetic leg soon that would hurt like a bitch if you got kicked

raven: I have a leg brace that would also hurt if one got kicked w said brace

luna: I will punch a bitch

katie: I have books that could be used for throwing purposes

octavia: I know how to use a sword

melissa: and I can-

melissa: wait, what can i do?

melissa: uh

melissa: I actually dont know what I can do but fear me, bitch

hope: op

hope: I vow to never hurt this beautiful woman on purpose. and if I do, I will not complain if you kick my ass

lexa: good

echo: ok...

echo: moving on

echo: I'd also like to announce that I am asexual



echo: dramatic bitch🙄

clarke: that's awesome dude, congrats on figuring yourself out

echo: actually I've known for awhile but I was scared to come out but its pride month so🤷‍♀️

clarke: well thanks for feeling comfortable enough to tell us dude

luna: ye, what she said, thats fuckin awesome echo

katie: I'm so proud of you, echo❤

echo: thank you guys. I was really scared to come out and y'all's support means a lot🥺

katie: we'll support you no matter what. idk where the other gays are but ik they feel the same

lexa & octavia

octavia: hey, lex?

octavia: I have a question

lexa: what's up, O?

octavia: I'm really nervous so imma just send it quickly before I wimp out

octavia: I think I might be bisexual

lexa: that's not suprising

octavia: ik ik but I'm still figuring things out again and when I first told y'all that I was straight, I was still in the process of going back and forth between straight and gay so idk

lexa: it's alright octavia. everyone will support you and it's ok to not know exactly yet. you dont have to label yourself

octavia: thank you, lex. this is so confusing and I have another date with lincoln next week too

lexa: he'll support you too. he's a good guy and he knows I'll kick his ass if he trys to act like an idiot

octavia: you should be a therapist not a lawyer, you're good at this stuff

lexa: I just try to put myself in other peoples place. tell the person I'm talking to what I'd want to be told

octavia: well it works

lexa: sorry to cut this talk short but I gotta help clarke with her exercises. she'll never do them if I don't help her

lexa: we don't talk enough together, wanna go get a coffee sometime?

octavia: I'd love that. what about tmr morning

lexa: that works, I'll text you and we can head to grounders

octavia: alright

a bunch of gays and octavia

melissa: wait

melissa: weren't me and katie in college at the start of this fic??

katie: 😶

raven: shhhhh

raven: they'll hear you bitch

lexa: not this again

echo: oh god, not again

luna: they have a point tho

madds: 🤫

I may have forgotten that katie and mel were in college at the start of the fic and then made it to where they were actors suddenly, my bad. i was tired asf when i first started writing this and i have no knowledge of the shit i wrote till i reread everything.

I also wanted more lexa and octavia friendship. if jrat wasnt a bitch, they could've had a friendship in the show I think. there was potential and they just threw it away.

so anygays, hope y'all liked the chapter and there might be more updates soon, who knows. I've lacked the ability to write and its pissing me off cuz I got all these ideas and my brain doesnt wanna make anything out of it

peace out, suckers✌

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