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(TW: Homophobic comments are made in this chapter. If you don't want to read those I will make a note for when it stops so you can skip it.)

The Funhouse

"You realise that Raven and everyone is going to torment us, right?", Lexa states. Clarke turns to her and smiles, grabbing her hand and pulling the brunette into the small building. Once they're inside, the two are faced with a room of mirrors. "Oh god, I've always been bad at these", Clarke says, then runs into a mirror.

"Yea, these kinda suck"

They finally manage to get out of the mirror room and onto the next obstacle. When they get there, Clarke notices a familer face.



"How's life with being a disgrace to your family?"

Lexa comes up behind Clarke, going to her side and resting her hand on her back in a comforting manner. "Clarke, who's this?" She grabbed onto Clarke's shirt to hold herself back from punching the dude right in the face for what he just said.

"You know you're disgusting right? That heart attack your dad had last year was your fault. You told him you were a dyke and it almost killed him."

"Your wrong. That wasn't what caused it" Clarke was already on the brink of tears. She turned to Lexa and saw rage in her eyes. Clarke shook her head to her. A silent warning to not do anything.

"Are you so sure?"

"Hey, you need to back off...Clarke let's go", Lexa whispered the last part in her ear, taking her hand to guide her out. "Yea, leave you fucking fa**ot's" (I fucking hated writing that, but I wanted y'all to get the message that he's a major dick).

Without hesitation, Lexa brought her fist to Finn's jaw, right hooking him which caused him to fall to the ground from the force. "You bitch.", Finn got up, ready to attack. He threw his fist out, aiming to fight back. Lexa dodged, bringing her foot out to the back of his knee to kick him to the ground.

Lexa came to kneel in front of Finn's face, "If you ever come near Clarke and say that, you're gonna get a lot worse than a bruised jaw. If you act like that to another woman, you better hope to all that is holy that I'm not around" With that, she got up and went over to Clarke. She was in the corner of the room, knees up to her chest and trying not to cry. Out of the corner of her eye, Lexa saw Finn leave.

***Fucktard Finn is gone so those who skipped can read now.***

"Hey, hey. Its alright now. Its okay, Clarke." Clarke just nuzzled her head into her knees, sniffling. Lexa hesitantly placed her hand on Clarke's back to comfort her, rubbing small circles with her thumb.  "If you don't mind me asking, who was that?"

Clarke looked up, she saw the raw emotion on the other girls' face and it almost made Clarke cry harder. This girl was genuinely concerned for her.

Slowly, Clarke took a deep breath to steady herself and explained Finn.

"He's my ex...Finn, he-"

She paused, taking another breath in attempt to control the shakiness of her voice.

"When I came out as bi, I told him at dinner with my family. My dad took it well, saying he loved me and that would never change because of who I love. My mom was a little confused at first, but my dad helped explain it."

Lexa smiled at Clarke. She was lucky to have such a supportive person in her life. Clarke took Lexa's hand, playing with her fingers to give her hands something to focus on so she could continue. "Finn acted like it was all okay, but after we left back to his place, he told me that I was greedy and selfish, and that no one would love me. That he would try to, but he was the only one."

Lexa's throat dried at the thought of someone being so crual and manipulative. She didn't know much about this Finn guy, but she hated him with a passion already.

"That night my dad had a heart attack in bed. It had something to do with his medication that he took. Finn blamed me coming out for it. He verbally abused me for weeks, and I started to believe him at one point. Then Luna came over one day and heard us fighting through the door and beat the living shit out of Finn for what he was saying."

Clarke chuckled through the tears. She wanted to lighten the mood a little bit.
"Just a side note, I want to beat the living shit out of him too", Lexa laughed. Clarke smiled, looking down at their entwined hands. Clarke ran her thumb down Lexa's wrist and back to the tip of her palm. "I broke up with him a week later after Luna explained to me how horrible he was and that I shouldn't take his shit. The night I did it, he was pissed. He kept repeating that he was the only one that would love me. Luna was with me the whole time, and I thought she would kick his ass again"

After Clarke finished her story, she looked to Lexa who was in tears. Clarke brought her hands to Lexa's face to wipe away the stray tears. She placed her hands over Clarke's, still holding her face and spoke.

"I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, but I'm only going to tell you that once because you probably don't want pity. I could easily say if I could go back in time and kick Finn's ass before he even looks at you, I would, but I can't do that so I'm only wasting my breath. What I will say though, is that as long as I'm alive, I'm going to make sure Finn never even thinks of you. I will say that if you'll have me, I'll always be here to talk or just to hug."

Clarke's heart bursts as Lexa speaks. No one has ever spoke to her like this. People always gave pity and empty apologies. Lexa spoke like she knew that feeling and Clarke wanted to learn more about Lexa. All parts of her. Every last detail, no matter how bad.

"I will say that I will help you if you need it. I will say that if you want to go punch something to get any anger out, I have a punching bag."

Lexa paused.

"I will say that I'm here, in any way you need me."

Clarke lunged towards Lexa, pulling her into a heart wrenching hug. She dug her head into Lexa's neck, breathing in her scent, completely relaxing. Lexa hugged her just as tight. Loving being in her arms already.

"..we should probably get out of here before someone comes in..", Clarke whispered, making Lexa laugh. 'God, that laugh', Clarke said to herself.

I thought I'd add some drama to this to spice things up and because for some odd fucking reason, I loves writing angst. Anygays, I hope you enjoyed this little look into klorks past so go ahead and comment your reaction and make sure you vote cuz I asked nicely :)

Peace out, suckers✌

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