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lexa obsessing over fictional characters

lexa: I'm stealing your phone the next time you come over raven

raven: you wouldn't dare

clarke: you guys are children

clarke: raven change the chat name so lexa can come over and cuddle me instead of sitting in the kitchen to talk to you

clarke: and lexa, get your ass over here or I'm kicking you out of bed again

raven: wha-

lexa: but-

lexa: fine

raven: ha, bottom

clarke: raven

raven: ok fine

raven changed the chat name to 'a bunch of gay bitches and octavia'

clarke: thank you

octavia: hey!

raven: well it's TRUE

octavia: doesn't mean it doesnt hurt

raven: what? you wanna be gay?

octavia: kissing men is so boring. beards are fucking disgusting too

octavia: women have such soft faces and kissable lips

lexa: you're sounding a little gay, o

octavia: watch me go into another sexuality crisis

lexa: it happens


the next day


luna: it's too early

raven: it's never too early for gay shit

clarke: at least you've gotten sleep, lun

clarke: lexa has had me up since 7

raven: 😏

clarke: not like that bitch

clarke: she insisted we do my morning exercises before she had to go talk to her professer🙄

echo: I do not miss being her roomate just for the fact that she would always get me up at the ass crack of dawn to run

lexa: y'all know I'm here right?

echo: ok, and?

lexa: just for that I'm not giving you any of my pride month muffins I made

melissa: I heard muffins

katie: of course you come to the chat when you hear food is involved

melissa: shush

melissa: show us the muffins


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