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echo & lexa

echo: so you're gonna go talk to her?

lexa: yea

lexa: I'm nervous

lexa: raven said clarkes emotional state wasn't too good

lexa: its understandable

lexa: I just want her to know that im here and not gonna walk away

echo: im glad

echo: you were a wreak the other day

lexa: I just want her to be safe

lexa: I think I'm falling in love with her, echo


Lexa opened the door to the small hospital room after getting the go ahead from Clarke. Nervousness was coursing through her veins. She didn't want to fuck this up.


"Lexa..", Clarke smiled lightly when she saw her. Lexa smiled back. It's going to be alright.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Physically or...", Clarke trailed off, eyeing the empty space on the bed where her leg should be.

"In general."

Clarke sighed, leaning her head back on the suprisingly comfortable pillow the hospital provided.

"My mom did it."

Lexa looked at her, confused.

"She did the emergency amputation. She sawed through my leg. She's the reason I can't get out of bed. Why I can't walk."

Clarke spoke in a monotone voice, it made Lexa's bone chill. Lexa wanted to reach out. Comfort the woman in any way she could, but she feared Clarke would refuse.

"She did this, Lexa...", Clarke let out a choked sob. She tried to wipe the tears away but they kept coming. Lexa reached to the side table and handed Clarke a few tissues. She silently thanked her and tried to dry her eager tears.

"I'm so sorry, Clarke. I know I told you awhile ago that I'd only say it once because you don't need pity, but I can't help but feel that I caused this."

Clarke looked to Lexa with confusion. What urged her to say such a thing? "Lexa, you had no part in this. It was a freak accident."


"Costia's father put a hit out."


"My ex."

Clarke stared off, trying to think of what to say next.

"Tell me the story."


"How Costia and you broke up, why there's a hit out for me. All of it. I wanna know."

Lexa leaned back in her chair, trying to gather her thoughts.

"After I got back from military school I met Costia at this relief group for losing family. We bonded over us both losing a parent and hit it off. Four months later, she cheated on me with her ex. I walked in on them-"

Clarke reached for Lexa's hand. It made Lexa's heart stop for a moment. "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, it's in the past. Anyway, after we broke up, she started stalking me, begging for my forgiveness. It got to a point where I got a restraining order but it didn't do much. After she found out we went out, she was apparently pissed thatI was able to move on and had her father, Titus put a hot out. I recorded her admitting it though so he's going to jail."

"What a bitch.", Clarke let out, making them both laugh.

"Yeah, I agree."

Lexa gazed at Clarke for a moments before the blonde called her over.

"Come lay down with me."

Lexa did as told and hesitantly laid down beside her. She was so stiff so Clarke brought her hand to the back of Lexa's neck, massaging and running her hands through the soft strands of hair.

"I guess this means our date tomorrow is canceled."

"I think so."

Lexa relaxed as Clarke continued her ministrations, she was practically purring at her touch. Clarke took pride in having such control, loving every second. After a few moments Lexa turned her head to directly face Clarke.

"I wanted to ask you something. I think if I don't do it now, I never will."

"Okay...", Clarke continued her massage, urging Lexa on.

"I had this whole plan for Thursday. It was going to be romantic and I was going to dress up and have flowers and the whole romance factor. But I think now, in this moment-even with the horrible circumstances-I think this is just as perfect."

"I want to be your girlfriend if you'll have me. I want to fall in love with you and be by your side. I want to be with you."

Lexa stared at her fidgeting hands waiting for the woman's response, the silence was killing her. "You really want to be with me?", Clarke's voice trembled. Lexa looked into her eyes and then the spot where her leg should lay and understood why Clarke was hesitant. She was scared.

"Why wouldn't I?", She held her face in her slim hands, urging Clarke to look at her and see her sincerity.

"I'm crippled."

"That fact that you have one leg changes nothing about how I feel for you. It never could, do you trust me?"


Clarke pulled Lexa by the neck, letting their lips brush together for a moment before closing the distance fully. Lexa was suprised by the action but quickly kissed back with the same softness as Clarke. It was sweet and warm and tinged with sadness, but mostly hope. Hope for more embraces like this one. Hope for a future.

They pulled away breathless, resting their foreheads together and attempted to catch their breathes.

"I'll take that as a yes then?"

happy lexa day my dudes. lexa banged klork 5 years ago today and then the show was canceled. love that for them

I thought I'd update for y'all so you can have a bit of fluff. i was gonna have a bit more angst this chapter but I thought I'd give y'all some more fluff for now.


peace out, suckers✌

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