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Raven: now Clarke if you're done having a gay panic attack then its your turn to send a pic of yourself.

Clarke: but luna already knows me?

Raven: and?

Clarke: whatever

Clarke: whatever

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Lexa: hot

Octavia: that's gay

Melissa: fucking gorgeous

Lexa: oh I told one of my friends about this chat and she wants to join

Katie: let her in

Lexa added unknown to the chat

Unknown: is this that one chat you talked about, lex?

Lexa: yea

Unknown: yoo, I'm Echo. I'm 22 and I'm an archery teacher. I actually met lexa at a fighting school

Clarke: hot

Raven: what's with it and gays who fight? I mean I'm not complaining but-

Melissa: it makes them hotter. I went to a few fight training classes myself.

Echo: oh and this is what I look like

Echo: oh and this is what I look like

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Echo: why are all of you so hot, damn

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Echo: why are all of you so hot, damn.

Echo: I just scrolled up to your pics

Raven: we could say the same to you. Your eyes have me in some kinda trance

Clarke: I love how y'all just say whatever comes to mind

Lexa: you gotta be blunt when you're gay or w gays. They won't understand otherwise

Katie: rude

Melissa: I mean its true. How many lesbians question whether a girl likes them or just wants to be friends?

Luna: every damn day

Echo: fr

Peace out, suckers✌

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