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The Big Gay

Echo: hey, lex. Remember that language we made when we were younger?

Lexa: yea? Trigdasleng

Katie: y'all made a whole language?

Echo: yepp

Luna: why do I recognise that name?

Luna: did y'all happen to go to Polis Elementary?

Lexa: actually yea. Why?

Luna: I went there. I remember everyday at recess, all the kids in our grade would sit by the swings and make a language

Echo: small world

Clarke: do you remember any of the words?

Lexa: I still have the dictionary we made

Raven: commitment

Lexa: we would play warriors and made different clans. I was the commander. the heda

Echo: you would never let me forget it

Lexa: Shof op, loufa

Octavia: ??????

Lexa: it means 'be quiet, spy' echo played a spy for the Azgeda clan

Melissa: dope

Raven: more day drinking?

Melissa: you know it

Katie: don't worry, I'm with her again

Luna: 😏😏

Katie: 🤦

Clarke: Anygays,

Clarke: I went to polis elementary too. I transfered there after I moved from australia. I was 10

Lexa: I moved when I was 9. echo was my first friend when I got to america.

Clarke: luna was mine

Octavia: y'all got so much in common

Melissa: you should date

Clarke: 😳

Lexa: 😳

Luna: anygays,

Peace out, suckers✌

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