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The Big Gay

Lexa: alright, so I'm gay

Raven: we know this

Echo: literally everyone knows that

Clarke: its pretty obvious

Octavia: really fucking obvious

Luna: the minute I saw your picture, I knew

Melissa: fr

Katie: we all saw it

Melissa: and how stunning you were too

Melissa: like, damn girl

Raven: anygays,

Octavia: oh guysguys

Luna: sup

Octavia: I just ran into this guy and he gave me his number

Octavia: he's kinda cute

Lexa: whats his name?

Octavia: Lincoln

Lexa: Lincoln Forest?

Octavia: idk

Lexa: well I got a cousin named Lincoln so..

Echo: oh yea, Lincolns chill

Melissa: I thought you were gay, O?

Octavia: oh yea, that's what I forgot to tell you guys

Octavia: I'm straight, but appreciate the female form

Clarke: nice. I'm happy for you, O

Lexa: yea, glad you figured that out

Raven: dope

Luna: fr. That's good that you got that cleared up

Octavia: thanks guys. I'm glad I figured that out

Katie: we're all proud of you, Octavia


Clarke: what if I were a dude?

Lexa: ....

Raven: why would you have that thought?

Luna: are you gonna be coming out of the closet again?

Luna: it was hard for you to the last time. Your mom freaked. it was amazing

Clarke: no I'm not questioning anything again. I'm very comfortable w my gender identity.

Luna: alright, but if you wanna talk about that stuff you got me

Lexa: and a bunch of other people that will support you no matter what

Raven: you got that right

Clarke: thanks guys

Clarke: I was just reading this thing that was asking about what you would do if you were a different gender than what you are

Lexa: oh, I've seen those. It had me questioning shit for awhile

Echo: remember that haircut you got?

Lexa: let's just say I don't look good w a short hair cut

Katie: damn

Luna: wow

Clarke: do you have any pics?

Lexa: thankfully no

Clarke: bummer

Melissa: ik

Peace out, suckers✌

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