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The Big Gay

Melissa: is clexa fucking yet?

Luna: op

Raven: let's see


Octavia: LEXA

Echo: LEXA


Katie: LEXA

Melissa: CLARKE


Luna: mama G?

Luna: what are you doing here?

Abby: Clarke hasent called me today so I hacked myself into the chat

Raven: I like you

Clarke: what the FUCK??!!

Clarke: mom????

Abby: yes dear

Lexa: Hello, Mrs. Griffin

Abby: oh, hello, Lexa. Its nice to meet you

Lexa: you too

Clarke: this is so not happening

Octavia: this is sooo happening

Katie: Mel, I brought the popcorn, get your slow ass back to the couch

Melissa: chill dude

Echo: I'm living for this

Clarke: im glad you're all enjoying yourselves.

Raven: oh I definetly am, and meltie you better be sharing that popcorn

Luna: hook me up w some popcorn

Echo: ay, i want some

Abby: your friends are lovely, Clarke

Clarke: just peachy, aren't they??

Lexa: you love ussss

Clarke: that's debatable

Lexa: well I guess I can just go and leave with my special chicken soup recipe

Clarke: nonono, stay, you're amazing

Melissa: whipped

Raven: *whipping sounds*

Luna: I'm coming over, I want some special chicken soup

Clarke: no, go to ravens

Luna: ugghhh

Raven: well then. I'm gonna make some tacos so y'all can come over to my place since clexa is happening. Here's the address

Raven: mama G, you wanna come??

Abby: I'm busy tonight, but maybe another time?

Raven: yes

Clarke: lexa, just pour the soup on me. Put me out of my misery.

Lexa: no, I think I'll just leave it in the bowl

Clarke: you're no fair

Lexa: wanna hug?

Clarke: ....

Clarke: yea...

Katie: gayyy

Echo: ...clexas happening

Octavia: fuck yeaaa

Peace out, suckers✌

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