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Lexa ran a hand through her hair and dialed a haunting number onto her phone. It picked up after a couple rings and she heard the voice she'd never thought she'd have to hear again.


"Costia, what the hell did you do?", Lexa growled. She was done with her shit excuses and manipulation.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Lex." She spoke in an innocent tone like she didn't just possibly kill the person she cared about.

She hadn't even asked her to be her girlfriend yet.

"You know damn well what you did.", a loud yell left her causing other families to stare at the young woman. She waved them away and walked to the nearest hallway to lean against the wall, trying to avoid the bustling doctors trying to save lives. They could be Clarke's doctor for all she knows.

"Listen, Clarke got hit and they say it wasn't an accident. I know you know something so you're going to fucking tell me."

Costia'a breathe hitched through the phone. Lexa knew she'd gotten to her.

"Okay, alright.."

Lexa stayed quiet, insisting she continue.

"I put the hit out."

Anger boiled at the put of her stomach. She fucking knew it. "What the hell  is wrong with you, Costia? I already told you that we're over."

"All I told my dad was that I wanted you back. He said he'd do anything to fix that."


Tears broke loose, falling in streams down high cheekbones.  'This can't be happening.' She knew how much Titus loved his daughter and also how psychotic he was. '

"Listen Lexa,  I never meant for it to go this far. I wasn't in my right brain. I'm sorry.."

"You're sorry?" Lexa felt heat coursing through her veins as she spoke. Not being able to control her anger any longer, she started yelling through the phone.

"You might have just killed the one thing I care most about in the whole world. You ruin things Costia, just like you ruined things when you got with your ex while we were together."

"You've been terrorising me since we broke up. You're fucking psychotic."

A security guard came up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, insisting she calm down before he has to escort her out of the building.

"I hate you.", she practically growls out before hanging up the phone once and for good.

the big gay theory

octavia: holy shit

raven: ikkkkk

luna: that was a full on growl

katie: did you guys actually hear the convo?

melissa: no, but that growl was hot

katie: I'm right here

melissa: and you look very hot in that shirt

katie: 😳

melissa: ha, bottom

katie: why do I date you?

melissa: idek

echo: ok, so moving on

octavia: no one heard what she was talking about?

luna: not a peep

raven: welp

luna: I'm going to go talk to the doctors again. they might have an update

katie: tell them they better fix our girl

raven: I'll kick their asses w my braced leg if they dont. this thing hurts like a bitch when you get kicked by it

octavia: you always know how to lighten the mood, rae

raven: that's the point

echo: I'm gonna go check on lex

katie: ill go with

theres a little something for now.


so titus is a little bitch and I might let costia get some redemption but it depends on my mood so

peace out, suckers✌

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