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Lexa & Clarke

Clarke: you went to military school????

Lexa: did echo tell you?

Clarke: yes and let me just say,

Clarke: hot

Lexa: 😳

Clarke: and that's why you're a bottom

Lexa: WHAT

Lexa: I am NOT a bottom

Clarke: keep telling yourself that. I see right through you

Lexa: and what do you see, Clarke? Hmm?

Clarke: well if you must know, I see someone who acts tough and stoic around others, but at the end of the day just wants to be cared for completely. To be the little spoon and get babied

Lexa: ....

Clarke: am I wrong?

Lexa: i-

Clarke: answer the question, Lexa

Lexa: ...you might not be so far from the truth

Clarke: hey, its nothing to be ashamed of. It just means you're a bottom and that's that. Nothing bad about it. A tops not a top without their bottom, I always say

Lexa: what has this conversation come to?

Clarke: idk, I just came here to tell you you're hot. Now get to the food cart and buy me a funnel cake.

Lexa: bossy

Clarke: 🖕

Luna & Raven

Luna: I think everyone's trying to set us up

Raven: why do you think that?

Luna: melissa and I were talking when you walked over to us and she just turned around and went to katie.

Raven: I ship them

Luna: same. Did you see the new episode? They had heart eyes through every scene they were in

Raven: fr

Melissa & Katie

Melissa: wanna go on another date tmr? I heard there's a new restaurant that opened

Katie: I'd love to. Are we gonna tell everyone that we've been together?

Melissa: soon. First I wanna see all my ships figure out their shit

Katie: same

Echo & Octavia

Echo: all my ships are coming together

Octavia: its beautiful

Echo: it really is. all my children are growing up

Octavia: I'm such a proud mom

Echo: we're proud moms

Echo: but not in a gay way cuz you don't swing like that

Echo: sadly

Octavia: sadly. I appreciate the female figure greatly tho

Echo: the female figure makes me gayer every time I see it

Octavia: that's nice

This was short but I'm going through some shit. I'll probably start updating a lot more cuz I have ideas and I'm currently working on a big project. Its still new but I really love the prompt and I've never really seen a good fic about it or one at all so....

Peace out, suckers✌

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