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Raven hesitantly knocked on the door to Clarke's hospital room. she heard a small "come in" and slowly entered. After a talk with the group, they decided Raven should go in first. Luna had tried to talk to her when she woke up but she wouldn't allow it. Clarke only yelled and let her tears fall freely.



"Did you get the shortest straw?"

"What?", Raven carried a perplexed face.

"I mean, no one wants to see the the freak, so you guys obviously pulled straws and you got the shortest one."

Raven was completely bewildered by Clarke's harshness. Though she could understand why she felt that way. She felt the same when the doctors told her she'd never walk without her brace.

It took months of therapy, both mental and physical to get to where she was now. "Clarke, it's nothing like that. I came out of choice. Everyone wanted to come in all at once because they love you, but I thought it'd be better with just me."

Clarke stared silently, urging her to continue.

Raven sat down on the nearest chair and started to tell her story.

"I haven't told anyone in the group this, but I know you've been questioning why I wear a brace."

"Right after we graduated-or when I did. Everyone else was already off to college-there was an accident. I just wanted to get some snacks for a moviethon with myself for the night and the store I was at got robbed. I tried to run but the fucker shot me in the spine. Doctors said I'd never walk again, but here I am. I just want you to know that you're not alone. You have people here for you that will help you through it all. I understand what you're going though, Clarke."

Raven watched as Clarke let tears fall down her face. This was the worst part, it would get better. Clarke lifted the blanket covering her lower half and broke down into loud sobs when she saw the missing limb. It broke Raven's heart to see this happy, optimistic girl so hurt.

She wasn't broken. No, just bruised. A bruise that would hurt for a good while, but all bruises heal so she had hope that Clarke's would too.

"I can't believe it's gone..."

"I'm looking down and I see that nothing's there, but I can't fucking believe it."

Clarke ran a hand through her hair, utter disbelief marking her face. The tears seemed to never stop. Even as her sobs lessened and quieted down to nothing, the red swelling around her eyes never seemed to go down, the hurt on her features never vanished. The pain in her eyes never let up.

She will get through this,

Is all Raven could think.

"Thank you, Raven. For coming."

"I love you. I hope you know that. This situation is utter bullshit, but you're alive and I'm thankful for that."

Clarke let a small smile escape before covering her lower half again.

"Get some rest. Everyone wants to see you later."

And with that, Raven left the room.


It was hours before the doctors returned with more news. Clarke had thrown them out as soon as they told her about the missing limb. She thought they'd send her to physic after she threatened them with the lamp beside her bed.

"Ms. Griffin. We were told to tell you who did your surgery."

"Didn't you guys?"

"Yes, but we weren't the ones who-"

"Who chopped off my leg? Yeah, I got that.", she replied coldly.

"Doctor Griffin performed the emergency amputation."


The doctors coward at the harshness. Expecting a lamp or the remote to be thrown at them. Clarke simply nodded and replied.

"Bring her in."

holy fuck

echo: if we're discussing important shit, why name the chat that?

raven: idk. I just needed a chat without clarke

lexa: tell us what happened already

raven: moving on

raven: it didn't go as bad as I expected. she cried, I almost cried. I feel her pain.

raven: she's in a very emotional state atm we just need to give her time and our support

lexa: I want to see her

luna: lexa

lexa: no, i need to see her

lexa: she could've died and i still havent told her how i feel

lexa: I'll go as soon as visiting hours open tmr

raven: I'll come

melissa: can we all go

echo: it might be best to go in small groups for now. we dont wanna overwhelm her

katie: I'll be there by 2. I have classes in the morning

echo: sounds like a plan

peace out, suckers✌

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