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The Big Gay

Raven: I don't see y'all

Echo: that's because you're not looking

Raven: yes I am, tf you talking abo-

Raven: oh now I see you

Katie: well if you would look up from your phone more often you wouldn't have the problem

Clarke: damn

Lexa: she's really getting called out

Melissa: I'm here and I'm not drunk

Luna: no but you sure do walk like you are

Melissa: ....

Melissa: rude

Lexa and Echo walked up to Raven, engulfing her in a hug while Luna and Clarke followed close behind. "Wow, you're even hotter in person", Raven says after pulling away from the embrace. "Thanks?", Lexa replies with
a awkward expression.

Luna walks up to the trio while looking at her phone, she then ends up running into Lexa. "Oh god, sorr-", she pauses as she looks into Lexa's eyes. "I would so bottom for you"

Luna turns around to face Clarke. "Clarke, you were right"

Everyone breaks out into a fit of laughter, Clarke going to give Lexa and everyone else a hug, letting Lexa's hug linger. Octavia, Katie, and Melissa then walk up.

"Damn, y'all are even hotter in person", Octavia shouts, running to give everyone a hug. Lexa let's go of Octavia when she sees Melissa. "wow, I'm fucking gay..", she mutters, thinking no one heard her. (everyone did)

"Well if it isn't the famous actor that my dear friend is incredibly gay for.", Echo laughs, pulling Melissa in for a hug. Lexa groans and pushes Echo's shoulder. "Fuck you."

"You love me."

"Thats debatable."

"Anygays...", Katie interrupts, pointing to the inside of the carnival. "Let's go."


The Big Gay

Raven: you bitch

Echo: you bitch

Lexa: y'all are both bitches so chill tf out

Katie: lexa snapped

Clarke: hot

Luna: y'all are both fucking stupid

Raven: no u

Katie: who's the one who got us kicked off the roller coaster then?

Raven: it was echo, not me

Echo: you bitch

Melissa: ight, we're just gonna ignore how klorky has the hots for lexa, ok

Lexa: oh I noticed

Melissa: well damn


Operation: Clexa

Raven: just fucking kiss already

Luna: for fucking real

Octavia: they're staring at each other w so much desire.

Echo: they're eye fucking so hard

Melissa: also can we take a moment to talk about how intimidating lexa is irl?

Katie: fr

Luna: I almost had a stroke

Octavia: she's so stoic and commander-like

Echo: have I mentioned she went to military school for a bit when she graduated high school early?

Raven: so THATS why she left before graduation

Echo: ye

Peace out, suckers✌

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