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Later that night

The Big Gay

Luna: why won't you guys just tell us what happened in the fun house?

Clarke: why do you want to know?

Raven: you looked fucking terrified after

Echo: I thought someone died in there when I saw your faces

Lexa: nothing happened

Clarke: its fine

Katie: sure

Melissa: totally believable

Octavia: mark my words clexa, we will find out

Raven: and if we find out before you tell us, were gonna have a nice chat

Clarke: god, you're all dramatic

Lexa: clarke, can you text me?

Clarke: sure

Luna: whipped

Raven: omfg, I love you

Luna: 😉

Clarke & Lexa

Lexa: about what happened...

Lexa: I'm sorry clarke

Clarke: its ok lex

Lexa: somehow I don't believe you

Clarke: can you come over?

Lexa: of course

Clarke: here's my address ****

Lexa: I'll be there soon

This is short but for good reason. At least in my head it is...

Peace out, suckers✌

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