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raven changed that chat name to The Big Gay Theory

Raven: who is this hoe I gotta fight?

Echo: costia. shes a major bitch

Echo: I've punched her a few times, but she doesn't seem to get the memo

Lexa: you guys don't have to fight her. I dealt with it

Luna: who is costia?

Octavia: yea, I need to know the hoe who called my klorky a bitch

Lexa: she's my ex..

Melissa: imma kick her ass

Katie: why is she so bitchy?

Lexa: we ended on bad terms. I ended it because we were toxic and shes still pissed

Raven: somehow I think there's more to that story

Lexa: there is, Im just not ready to talk about it

Echo: I'll kill her if I see her in the streets lex

Octavia: this bitch is going doWn

Raven: YEA

Luna: let's kill a hoe

Lexa: oh god

Melissa: I'll bring beer to throw at her car

Katie: and I'll make sure mel doesn't drink all the beer

Luna: good idea

Lexa: I'm just gonna stay away. I'm not trying to get myself arrested, as much as I'd like to tell costia a few choice words

Clarke & Lexa

Clarke: should I get in on this fighting thing?

Lexa: you really think they'll kick her ass?

Clarke: I'd be worried if they didn't. When they say they're gonna do something, it usually happens

Lexa: that's very true

Clarke: you know you can talk to me about anything, right?

Lexa: I do, thank you

Clarke: I'm happy to listen.

Lexa: so.....

Lexa: about that kiss....


Lexa: that's pretty much how I felt too

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Lexa: that's pretty much how I felt too

Clarke: it was nice, I'd to do it again sometime if you don't mind

Lexa: well maybe we could plan some more kissing this weekend?

Clarke: I'm free all weekend, just text me☺

Lexa: alright😊

Luna & Raven

Luna: heyyy raven

Raven: sup

Luna: well I was wondering of you'd like to go to dinner with me tonight?

Raven: well I'd have to check my nonexistent calander first...

Raven: well should you look at that...

Raven: I'm free

Luna: ok great, is 7 alright?

Raven: its perfect

The Big Gay Theory



Echo: you go girl




Melissa: honey, we need to celebrate

Katie: I'll go buy ice cream

Melissa: O, come over and eat ice cream

Octavia: omw

Raven: damn

Clarke: so mel and katie are dads

Clarke: nice

Luna: they are daddies tho so

Echo: honestly

Raven: nobody's as daddy as lexa is tho

Lexa: 😳

Clarke: and that's why you're a bottom

Lexa: iM nOt a bOtTom

Echo: Lex?

Lexa: yea?

Echo: you're a bottom

Luna: ^

Melissa: ^^

Katie: ^^^^^^

Octavia: ^^^^^^^^

Raven: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Clarke: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Lexa: fuck you all

Raven: oh we know you only wanna fuck one person here

Lexa: I swear to fucking god....🤦

Clarke: 🤓

Peace out, suckers✌


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