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5 hours later

lexa & luna

lexa: have you heard anything yet? I had to get some air

luna: nothing yet, but the longer they're in the OR, the more they've got to be taking care of her, right?

lexa: right

lexa: I'll be back there soon. it's just I hate hospitals

luna: I get that

lexa: does anyone want anything to eat? i was thinking of going down to Jaha's for pizza

luna: buy a lot. raven is a bottomless pit, istg

lexa: how's it going w raven anyways? I see the way you look at each other

luna: we've only been on a few dates

luna: I like her a lot tho

lexa: that's suprising honestly. raven is so out there and tends to be more dramatic, while you seem to just be content being inside, enjoying a book

luna: I think that's why I like her so much

luna: she's different

lexa: well even tho idk you too well, I'm happy for you

luna: thanks. and I'm happy for you. clarke never shuts up about you

lexa: i want to ask her to be my girlfriend. i was going to do it this thursday but plans seem to change quickly

luna: oh shit, the doctor is here, I'll keep you posted until you get here

lexa: thanks

The Big Gay Theory

raven: oh thank fuck, shes gonna be alright

melissa: we need to celebrate

lexa: I'm bringing pizza

lexa: what did the doctor say?

katie: they did surgery because she had a broken rib puncture an organ and put metal bars in her leg since it got shattered.

luna: thankfully there were no brain injuries. a small concussion and some stitches needed.

lexa: thank god

octavia: we can go see her in a bit. since she hasn't woken up, we cant see her cuz we arent family

echo: that's bullshit

octavia: fr. dumb fuckin rules

lexa: I'm almost here with the food, I want to talk to the doctor

raven: how many pizza's?

melissa: oooOooo

melissa: she wants to see the doctor

lexa: god🤦‍♀️

melissa: :)

melissa: I tease you cuz I love you dude

melissa: I mean that in the most platonic way possible

melissa: tho I'd totally fuck you if I wasn't in a committed relationship

katie: this is sober her surprisingly

echo: melissa, you're my favorite person here

octavia: the crackhead energy that emits from mel is amazing

echo: frrr

raven: thank you mel for lightening the convo.

lexa: I'm almost here with the food, I want to talk to the doctor
luna: are you texting and driving??????

lexa: I was at a stoplight😐

luna: uh huh🤨

klork should be back next chapter if everything turns out ok

peace out, suckers✌

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