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Raven's house

Luna and the others arrived at Raven's not long after. Raven turned on some music and made a bunch of food for everyone.

"This party's lame. Good thing I brought beer"

"You have a problem, Mel.", Echo replied, pulling a beer from the cardboard case. "Yet you take one"

"It's to stop you from drinking it all by yourself", She took a swig from the bottle and set it beside her on the couch. "Sure it is"

"How was your date with Luna?", Octavia stepped into the kitchen and stood by the bar. She took a handful of cheese from the platter and stuffed it in her mouth before continuing. "Did you do the do?"

"Did we 'do the do'? No, but we had a lot of fun. We went to this nice restaurant and at the end of the night I kissed her." Raven gushed.

"Awww, that's sweet. Have you hung out since then?"

"A little. We spent all of our time together yesterday at the carnival since you guys kept ditching us.", she smirked. Octavia stuttered over words before Raven continued. "You're fine. We had fun. We're planning on going out again soon."

"That's nice"


"So what's so special about this soup?", Clarke's asks over Lexa's shoulder, letting her chin rest on her. Lexa turned away from the pot she was mixing to stare into Clarke's eyes. "What?"

"Nothing", Lexa smiled, turning back and adding more salt to the broth. There was silence for a little while longer until she spoke again. "It was my moms recipe. She would make it all the time when I was sick or just not feeling well whether it was emotionally or physically. Before she died, she left the recipe in one of my books that she read to me."

Clarke brought her hands to Lexa's hips, she flinched at the touch, then relaxed. "How long ago was that?"

"I was 11. I was in and out of foster homes till I graduated. Then I found out I had an uncle. Gustus. He was my mom's brother and had a son, Lincoln. When he found me, he said he had tried to take me in so I wouldn't have to be with complete strangers but wasn't able to. He's like a father to me."

"Its good that you found good people. You deserve all the good in the world and I'm not just saying that. You honestly deserve so much happiness."

Lexa turned in Clarke's arm and pulled her into a hug. They stayed like that. In each others arms, for a good minute before pulling away. "Thank you for telling me that. You didn't have to"

"Thank you for listening, and I did. I want you to learn more about me, because I want to learn more about you". Clarke still had her hands on Lexa's hips and Lexa didn't mind at all. She felt so comfortable with this girl. So at ease. Lexa felt like she could be her full, messy, self around Clarke and she wasn't afraid to show it.

"Clarke, I want to try something and you can react however you see fit. Okay?", Clarke nodded and Lexa took a deep breath. Lexa pulled Clarke closer to her, their faces were inches apart. Clarke moved her hands to Lexa's neck and pulled her closer than before. Their lips were brushing lightly against each others when the timer went off on the stove.

"...fuck." Lexa let her head fall.

"Stupid fucking stove..", Clarke muttered under her breath. When Lexa stopped the stove from beeping, she turned the burner off and let the food cool. "Sorry about that.."

"Its alright. So where were we?", Lexa smiled and pulled Clarke close to her again. Just as they almost kissed again, another ringing sound came from Clarke's pocket this time. "My mom. Dammit."

"Hey, mom. How are you?"

"I'm good honey, besides the fact that you didn't call me today so I had to do it myself"

"I've been a little busy"

"Oh, you college students always are"

"How's dad?"

"He's well. I just wanted to say good luck on the test you have this week and to say hello to Lexa. Bye"

"Well then.."

Love you, Will, but I couldn't help it.❤

Peace out, suckers✌

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