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a few days later

the big gay theory

clarke: hey guys

raven: CLARKE


katie: welcome back to the fuckery, we have a new member

hope: sup

clarke: sup newbie

clarke: you guys should come over later

raven: really? you sure?

clarke: yea, this room is depressing. I need some entertainment

melissa: that's all we are to you? entertainment???

clarke: yes.

melissa: fair enough

echo: where's lexa?

lexa: I'm here

lexa: I had to go home to feed picasso

clarke: I miss him. bring him with you

lexa: I'll try. idk if the doctors and everyone will appreciate that tho

clarke: they can fuck off. I need cuddles. and they cant deny me

lexa: ig so

raven: we'll be there soon klorky, dont you worry your little gay self

clarke: *bi

raven: semantics


klork: this little dude got so big wth🥺

tagged: lex.woods

liked by: rae.reyes, lunamoon,
and 425 others.

lex.woods: ik it's not fair🥺

o.blake: how have I never seen a picture of this child?!
lunamoon: you've been lucky enough to not be awake when lexa simps for her dog at 2am o.blake
lex.woods: he's fucking adorable. the only man I'll ever love🥺🥺
echo.o: you're such a bottom
lex.woods: you say it like it's a bad thing

the big gay theory

echo: at least you no longer deny it

lexa: oh I still deny it, I just dont think of it as offensive

raven: is this about lexa being a big power bottom for klork?

lexa: 😳

lexa: I'm done w this chat

lexa: we should be paying attention to our friend, not deciding where I like to be in bed

melissa: sure 'friend'

katie: I couldn't love you more mel

melissa: love you too baby

luna: that's gay

clarke: shfkahfjakf

sorry for the long wait, but life happens

this fic doesnt really have a plot, just they gays being gay and then the recent turn of events w klork so if yall are waiting for some dramatic crazy badass shit w actual plot, this isnt the fic for that but once I actually publish my other fics again w some form of a plot and storyline, yeah. idk where I was going w this and now I'm rambling so fuck


as always,

peace out, suckers✌

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