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Raven: when is this carnival supposed to be in town?

Octavia: idk, weren't you the one to suggest that we go?

Raven: idk. The author is too lazy to go back and check so honestly I have no idea

Luna: that's nice

Lexa: 🤨


Clarke: who?


Lexa: sorry, but who's 'them'?

Octavia: the audience


Lexa: im so fucking confused

Clarke: same

Lexa: wanna go meet and get coffee?

Clarke: sure

Raven: anygays,

Echo: did anyone just witness what happened??

Katie: the gays are meeting


Luna: are you drunk, babe?

Melissa: possibly

Raven: ...

Katie: don't worry, I'm with her

Raven: no more day drinking Mel

Melissa: but I have the day off

Octavia: so do I and do you see me getting drunk off my ass

Raven: I mean you are day drinking

Octavia: ..

Luna: op

Octavia: its one beer

Echo: damn

Lexa & Clarke

Lexa: so we're actually meeting?

Clarke: yea. How about Grounders at 12?

Lexa: perfect. I'll see you soon then?

Clarke: yepp😁

Lexa: 😘

Clarke & Raven


Raven: what is it young gay?

Raven: *Bi

Clarke: thank you for the correction

Raven: anygays, you were screaming?


Raven: y'all are really meeting?? When?????

Clarke: 12

Raven: take pics

Raven: are you gonna tell her about how you feel?

Clarke: not today. its too early

Raven: makes sense

Raven: good luck my dude❤✌

Lexa & Clarke

Lexa: I'm here. I'm sitting by the window in the back. more privacy

Clarke: I'm just about there. I'm walking from my apartment

Lexa: ok

Lexa sat patiently in her seat in the back of the small café. It wasn't as busy and she was thankful. Her stomach was aching with nerves. Actually aching. These were no butterflies. No.

These were full on fireworks going off as she waiting for Clarke to arrive. Lexa didn't know why she felt this way. Meeting an attractive girl had never made her feel so..


Lexa was always the type to be calm and confident when meeting someone new. What changed?

What's so different about Clarke?

She's just a very attractive woman, with an amazing personality. A personality Lexa wanted to see more of. Wanted to see every single bit of. All the good and bad things.

Nothing different at all.

'I like her, fuck', Lexa thought to herself. She brought her right hand to her forehead to try and clear her mind and the rising blush on her face. Lexa heard the bell on the door ding, signaling that someone has come in. She saw a beautiful head of blonde waves first. Noting how incredibly soft her hair looked. Clarke was wearing a white band T-shirt that Lexa didn't recognise, cuffed denim jeans, and white hightops. Clarke was stunning in her eyes. She would be in anyone's to be honest. Clarke was naturally an attractive person. She won everything in the gene pool lottery for sure.

Lexa stood up to greet Clarke. She walked over and instantly enveloped the latter in a hug. Their embrace seemed so comforting in a way for Lexa. For Clarke too.

Begrudgingly, they pulled away from each other after a few more seconds. Instantly missing the embrace and backed away slightly, but still at a fairly close distance. They locked eyes for a moment, when Clarke smiled.

Lexa sat down and gestured for Clarke to do the same.

"Coffee?", Lexa asked, nervously.

Luna: is there an actual name for this chat or-

Raven: oh yeaaaaa, I forgot about that

Echo: how do you just forget?

Raven: idk, I probably had a reason but forgot it

Octavia: damn

Melissa: what about 'The Big Gay'?

Raven: that is perfect. Everyone who agrees, say 'I'

Luna: I

Echo: I

Katie: I

Octavia: I

Melissa: I

Raven: I

Octavia: where's clexa?

Raven: on a date

Lexa: fuck off

Raven: see

Clarke: I

Lexa: ....

Clarke: come on lexa, you know its a good name

Lexa: ....

Clarke: plz?

Lexa: I


Echo: WhIpPeD

Melissa: fucking WHIPPED

Lexa: once again. Fuck off

Octavia: damn, someone needs to get laid

Raven: I have an idea of who she can get laid with

Lexa: 😑

Clarke: imma just turn my phone off and finish my coffee.

Lexa: same here

Peace out, suckers✌

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