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The Big Gay

Raven: today's the gay

Octavia: you mean 'day'?

Raven: nope, I mean gay

Luna: I haven't seen klorky in a few days so I'm excited to see her fall on her ass when she sees lexa again

Clarke: rude

Echo: damn, calling her out

Lexa: wow

Melissa: this is nice

Raven: don't get drunk today, mel

Melissa: no promises

Katie: god

Luna: love how mels low key an alcoholic

Melissa: I only drink on my days off

Katie: true

Clarke: that's comforting

Lexa: I'm heading out now. echo, you coming with me or not?

Echo: I'm coming, hold your swords commander raccoon

Raven: more like commander heart eyes

Melissa: she low key looks like a raccoon

Echo: oh, you should have seen her Halloween costume

Echo: had the same one since we made to that language as kids

Echo: of course its been updated

Lexa: we don't speak of that

Clarke: I'm suddenly really excited for Halloween

Melissa: imma dress up as supergirl for Halloween

Katie: ...

Luna: how original

Clarke: should we meet at the front?

Raven: hell yea, then we're all getting on a rollercoaster

Octavia: no

Luna: I can see you blowing that up somehow

Katie: she likes explosives and rollercoasters

Echo: dangerous combination

Clarke: i'll head out now

Peace out, suckers✌

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