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Octavia: sup bitches

Clarke: damn this chat is still being used?

Raven: you bet your sweet gay ass it is

Katie: its 2am. Why are you awake?


Raven: I'm gay, I don't need sleep

Lexa: then what the hell am I? Sleep is all I know

Raven: if it is, then why are you awake?

Lexa: ....
I was looking at tumblr...

Clarke: that's pretty gay

Lexa: I'm going to sleep

Clarke: no you're not

Lexa: I'm not
But goodbye anyways

Melissa: I'm going to bed unlike all of you

Katie: me too, I have a test tmr

Octavia: good luck w that

Katie: thanks stranger

Melissa: night

Clarke: anygays,

Lexa: oof

Clarke: I'm gonna go draw

Lexa: I can't draw for shit

Clarke: I could teach you?

Lexa: I'd like that actually

Clarke: maybe we could meet up sometime?

Lexa: I'd like that
Just don't kidnap me

Clarke: I could say the same to you

Lexa: 😉
I'll let you go now
Bye, Clarke

Clarke: bye lex

Raven: that's pretty gay

Octavia: what did I just witness??

Raven: the big gay, octavia. The big gay


Peace out, suckers✌

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