dream ;; kunimi a.

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inspiration - holy fucking shit the brain rot i had with this was the death of me.

this was made just to feed my head-canon that kunimi commonly has wet dreams.

warning: somnophilia.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

You had woken up in the middle of the night. You dreaded the idea of opening your eyes to notice the digital clock on your nightstand that displayed some ungodly hour of the morning, and yet you did. Mentally groaning, not actually doing it to make sure that you wouldn't wake Akira, you jerked the blanket up over your eyes. If you couldn't see the time, the time didn't exist, it wasn't 3:26am if you didn't have solid proof that it was.

Just as you were half-asleep, just as you were starting to feel yourself drift into the world of slumber, a sharp jolt behind you made your eyes snap open. If he moved any harder, he might have shook the entire bed. You remembered it was Kunimi-- who else would be in bed with you, --but what in the world made him jump like that? Peering over your shoulder, you cracked your eyes open into tiny slits, just enough to look back at him.

At the other side of the bed, Kunimi had his back turned to you. His body twitched, little flinches, a barely audible noise from the back of his throat. You smiled softly; he's dreaming.

Almost every night, you could wake up to find Akira dreaming. His eyes may move under their lids, if they weren't squeezed impossibly shut. His fingers may twitch sometimes even clawing at whatever was within reach. His lips may purse; if you're lucky, you might be able to hear him say a few words in his sleep. His entire body may even jump like a startled stray cat. Whatever he was experiencing in his dreams, you would never be able to tell, but they must be intense if they make him have such physical reactions.

Tonight's dream had to be one of the worst he's had yet. His reactions were heavier than they usually would be.

He jumped again. Not as bad as the previous one, but enough to make you worry that something in his dream was hurting him or making him afraid.

You rolled over to face him, scuttling a hand from under the covers up to his back. A possible red flag: his back was tense, as if he were in pain. To double-check, you slid your palm up his spine and felt his back begin to arch away from your touch. A gentle sigh fled your nostrils. His reaction only made you worry more about what he was dreaming of, what kind of monster could be hurting him in the fictional world his mind cursed upon him.

You sat up and scooted closer. "'Kira... 'Kira." You muttered to him as you grasped one hand on his shoulder in the attempt to, softly, shake him awake. You wanted to at least be gentle if you were going to wake him up.

... No reaction. His body continued to have its little tremors from a feeling you couldn't identify.

"Akira!" You whisper-shouted as you shook him harder.

Towering over his sleeping form, you peered down at his face. His eyes were tightly closed, eyebrows furrowed. He was caked in sweat, his breath leaving from his parted lips with short, quiet pants. On his pillow, which he clutched with the arm he had under his head, was a small wet spot where his drool seeped into the pillowcase.

Oh. Oh, you knew that face from somewhere.

Now you were starting to think about it. All of his reactions, all of his dreams-- it all fit together like one big puzzle. Just to be absolutely sure with your hypothesis, you reached around his torso to the front of his sweatpants. Off the bat, you could feel incredibly hard he was, and his leg twitched from the interaction, he just about kicked you in his sleep!

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