breakfast ;; kuroo t.

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inspiration - i wrote this at like 7am when i was in the mood for chocolate chip pancakes lmao.

also, kuroo isn't even my favorite, why the fuck did i write so much for him-

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Pouring the batter carefully onto the pan, you were surprised to make a somewhat perfect circle. The kitchen was already starting to earn the mouthwatering smell of pancakes. Your phone lit up as a notification appeared on your lock screen. Below the time of 9:26am was a message from Bokuto, possibly telling you good morning. You left it alone, choosing to focus on breakfast.

Stepping away from the oven, you stopped by the fridge, opening it and grabbing a bag of chocolate chips before returning. As you reached in and grabbed a handful, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, their bare torso against your back.

"Good morning, Tetsu," you said as you dotted the soon-to-be pancake with chocolate chips.

Kuroo didn't respond-- at least, not with words. He let out a long, tired hum against your skin, burying his face in your neck.

As much as he wanted to sleep in, Kuroo couldn't find himself able to return to slumber without you in bed with him. Still tired, he had joined you in the kitchen, lazily clinging to you and your warmth.

Moving his head to rest his chin on your shoulder, he finally said some coherent words. "Is that my shirt?" His voice almost made your back arch; deeper and gravely from sleep. One of his hands at your sides tugged at the oversized fabric, the other reaching under, stopping at your belly.

"Of course it is. Are you hungry?" He hummed in response, hiding his face in the crook of your neck once again. "I'll take that as a yes."

The two of you stood in the kitchen in silence. He left little kisses on your neck, his warm breath against your skin. Large hands roamed your body, ran across your sides, under his shirt that you wore. When you reached your arm out to flip the pancake with a spatula, he growled in your ear from your movement.

"Hold still, chibi-chan." His left hand gripped your hip, his right palming your sex through your underwear.

As Kuroo got more and more eager, he didn't let you focus on the pancakes. His butterfly kisses across your neck turned to gentle nibbles. His right hand went down your underwear to toy with your sex while his left went up your shirt, teasing your nipples.

Eventually he seemed to get bored of these little actions. The hand under your shirt left to turn the stove off. When both of his hands were back on you, he picked you up and set you on the counter, grinding against you as he stood between your legs.

"Kuroo, please- Let me make your breakfast!"

"All I'm hungry for is you, chibi-chan."

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