beg ;; haiba l.

32 2 0

inspiration - my fantasy of snapping a virgin lev like a glow stick goes brr.

fair warning: a begging virgin lev has a praise kink. just so you know.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Please, tiger- tiger, move."

You had taken him all the way inside you for the first time. Eleven and a half inches was definitely a stretch, so you let yourself pause on top of him, his cock buried inside you. He practically filled you to the brim.

On his back below you, Lev was an absolute wreck. His once tamed silver hair was splayed across the pillow he had the back of his head pressed against. His enormous hands left the sheets the second you took all of him, clawing at the skin of your hips. Little whimpers and pants left him, his cat-like eyes squeezed shut. He looked like he was fighting against his instinct to slam you down on his cock like a feral animal.

"Now, Lev, slowly," you said, deciding to grace him with the power of control. He definitely didn't need to be told twice. He raised you up gently, and the second he brought you back down, filling you up for only a split moment, he tilted his head farther back against the pillow and moaned aloud.

"Just like that, Lev-" Somewhere in the middle of that sentence, your voice cracked.

Lev had to force his eyes open to look at you, and boy did he enjoy the sight. Your hands on his knees, back arched, lips parted to let out little noises- and don't even get him started on your voice. He took absolute pride in the scene before him, knowing that even in his first time, he could get this kind of reaction from you. He didn't even have to look at you to know what he did to you.

He didn't know it until it happened; his hands sped up, forcing you to ride him at a slightly faster speed. Lev's hips jerked up to meet yours, slamming himself against your most sensitive spot inside you. Your walls tightened around his cock.

Lev yelped from the sudden tightness, his back arching against the mattress. "Fuck!"

"Faster- fuck, you're so good, Lev."

Lev obeyed instantly, crying out just from your words. By now, he was a babbling mess. Whatever he was saying that you could understand was either a swear or your name. His moans were gasped and desperate alongside whimpers and pants.

"Fuck fuck fuck, tiger, please don't make me stop, tiger- shit!"

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