ginger ;; hinata s.

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inspiration: head empty. no think. only pokémon.

this is a pokémon/haikyuu crossover bit where hinata is a flying-type gym leader.

also, there's no porn, sorry to the horny simps.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Yukigaoka was rather easy to find, thanks to the massive stadium that made the rest of the city look small.

With your best Pokémon following you at your side, you couldn't help but smile. The most recent trainer you beat was the Gym Leader before Yukigaoka's, Tobio Kageyama. He was much tougher than you expected, especially for the third Pokémon Gym in your adventure. He definitely was a trainer you would never forget, with a passion burning hotter than the Fire-types he mastered.

Now, looming over you, was your next stop: the fourth of eight Pokémon Gyms. You couldn't contain your grin. Just the thought of all the unique Pokémon this next Gym Leader might have made you more hyper than you were before.

Now's my chance, you thought, it's now or never!

Letting out a long exhale, you stepped forward. Time practically went in slow motion as your dominant hand reached for the handle of the Gym. Then, right as you tried to pull it open, your entire soul dropped to the concrete beneath your feet.

The door was locked.

Surely, they accidentally left the doors locked. The lights were on! You could see the inside of the lobby for the stadium, but no person or Pokémon were there. Even your own companion huffed sharply in annoyance.

A jingle of keys, the gentle slam of a closing door, then a voice. "Hey, kid," was called out in a masculine, monotone voice.

Behind you, you stared at a man in front of a store building. A cigarette burned between his lips with flakes of ash falling like the starting drops of a drizzle.

He ran a hand through his head of bleach-blonde hair before he took the cigarette away from his mouth. "Check the beach. Ginger's usually there when there's no challenging trainers."

You nodded and thanked the man, collecting your Pokémon companion in their Poké Ball before setting off for Yukigaoka Beach.

As you ran without a care in the world for any hazards or wild Pokémon, jogging through empty streets and neighborhoods, you thought about who this Ginger character might be. Maybe a tall woman with hair the color of a Charizard? Possibilities were endless when the only known thing about her was her name.

However, your full focus wasn't on her character itself for long. You were more concerned with her Pokémon.

Three Gym Leaders came before Ginger: Tadashi Yamaguchi with Grass-types, Kei Tsukishima with Poison-types, and Tobio Kageyama with Fire-types. If Ginger came after those three, then surely she would be tougher than all of them. It was a little concerning, considering how much trouble you were in for the battle with Kageyama. Such a close battle it was, with both of you on your last, weakened Pokémon. You practically thanked Arceus when you finally realised that your own companion was faster than his Houndoom.

You stepped around a patch of tall grass and continued onward down the path of concrete, nodding to yourself as you passed a sign that read Yukigaoka Beach. You probably would have snapped if you found yourself lost... again.

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