princess ;; tsukishima k. | f

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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Here." You pointed to the next house. Kei braked right in front. Once he stopped the car, it was a rush to get inside. You both grabbed your things and left the car where it was at what could have been the speed of sound. Hell, he probably left his doors unlocked and one of the windows down. Not like either of you cared about that at this point. You laughed and pecked him on the cheek before running away to unlock the front door to your house. He immediately followed, towering over you while you fumbled with your keys. His hands held your hips, damn near creeping down between your legs.

He left hungry kisses and nibbles on one side of your neck. As he moved to mark up the other side, he asked, "anyone home right now?," in a low voice, right in your ear. It was remarkable how four measly words ran such a shiver down your spine. You groaned as he bit down on a tender spot under your ear.

"Just my brother. He's probably asleep by now." Right when you finished speaking, the door clicked; unlocked. It didn't stay closed for a moment after. He turned you around and shoved you inside,

"My room's this way." You pulled away from the violent kiss, grabbing his massive hand in yours to pull him down the hall.

In the moment he stopped focusing on you, he made the mistake of taking the time to observe your home. A beautifully furnished living room, with a flat-screen TV pinned to the wall above the fireplace. A bookshelf stood against one wall with a rainbow of genres lining the shelves. An assortment of family photos were hung in symmetrical patterns across the walls.

From the sheer glance at your belongings, Kei's eyes grew to the size of saucers. Did he need new glasses?

"Kei? Is something wrong?" You asked him, looking over your shoulder at him as you pulled him down the hall to your room.

He started to laugh. "I'm feeling even better now, princess," he said as he threw himself at you, barely waiting to hide away in your room.

Your back hit your door and made a noise so loud, it almost echoed in the hallway. You still didn't care; your brother was a very heavy sleeper. If it were opened in the slightest, you would have fallen onto the floor of your bedroom.

"Princess, huh? I like that." You just about purred, pulling away from the make-out session to speak.

Tsukki's sadistic smirk grew from your reaction. "Good, I like it too."

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

He made sure not to wake you by the time it was five in the morning. Crawling away from your bed, the tall blonde stepped quietly out of your room without too big a sound.

For such an ungodly hour of the day, he wasn't even tired. He was wide awake. He made sure to get up early, knowing he would be up soon for training.

Kei left the hallway and found your kitchen with ease, pausing to look at one of the many family portraits that lined the walls and shelves of your living room. "Oh my god." He wasn't seeing things last night. If he were, he had gotten up this early for nothing.

Trying so hard not to laugh, he entered the kitchen and turned on your home's coffeemaker, knowing exactly how it worked since he had one in his own apartment. His tall form stopped in front of the counter, picking out a random mug. He hoped to god it belonged to him. As he worked the little machine on the counter to make his coffee, his mind was elsewhere, putting the pieces together.

It was a common last name you had. He felt so stupid that he didn't think much of it when you told him your full name that very same night. He never intended such a crime, but now that he did it, he couldn't wait for the later outcome.

He felt like he had gone insane, more in a good way than bad, if you could give insanity a positive light. Here he stood in your kitchen, back against the counter, his mind constantly switching from patient to impatient.

The coffeemaker beeped when it was done, ripping the blonde from his mind. Picking up his fresh cup of black coffee, he felt like a giddy schoolgirl, excited to see the one boy in mind. He raised the mug to his lips with a sadistic chuckle.

And now, he thought with a Grinch-like smirk, we wait.

Only mere minutes later did someone enter the kitchen, and it was exactly who he was looking for.

The new fellow screeched in alarm, no longer half-asleep. He was barely dressed, didn't even have a shirt on. "Tsukishima?!" The man screamed.

Kei kept his smirk up. It was growing harder not to laugh by the second. "What a lovely castle you have, my liege."

If it were possible, Kageyama would have bursted into flames. Instead, he practically burst a blood vessel. His surprise had switched to anger in mere seconds. "How the hell did you get in?"

"Simple, really," Tsukki raised the mug to his lips to take a sip of the scolding liquid, "I boned the Princess."

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