melon ;; sawamura d.

14 1 0

inspiration - asking anonymous people for the first character and word that comes to their mind: someone said daichi and "melon."

i also have zero images of daichi alone on my phone and i'm too lazy to find one, so have some other captains.

warning: knife (not used), handcuffs.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Miyagi Police!" A loud, commanding voice rang through your home, joining the sound of your front door being opened, then closed.

You yelped, jumping in alarm from the intruder that you soon realized was no stranger. Jolting your dominant arm back, you were surprised that you didn't cut yourself.

Next you heard footsteps, then laughter. Behind you, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, was Daichi. "Did I scare you, dumplin'?"

"Yes," you grumbled, "you should be lucky that I didn't cut myself..."

"What're you doing?" Daichi asked. Beyond his words, in his voice, was something else: he noticed that your mood had changed upon his arrival.

You pursed your lips together, the lightest ounce of frustration altering your once serene expression in the littlest way possible. "Cutting up fruit. It was supposed to be a surprise for you."

Your plans were simple. You wanted to greet Daichi with a relaxing atmosphere after a long day of fighting crime. When he would come home, you were going to surprise him with an assortment of fruits and things to dip them in (chocolate, whipped cream, etc) and enjoy a wholesome evening with him, snacks, and whatever he wanted to watch.

That was what was supposed to happen, if you didn't take a nap and wake up less than an hour before he would return home.

"Here, let me." Daichi took the knife from your hands like a natural-- he is a police officer, after all. He then nudged you out of the way, continuing where you left off, still in his police uniform. He chopped up the remainder of the banana you were working on before he interrupted you.

In a matter of seconds, you managed to take the handcuffs that hung from his belt and pulled his arms back. Daichi yelped and dropped the knife. The object hit the floor with a hearty clang. Despite his surprise, he went along with your actions, refusing to use force against you, his lover. Cuffing his hands behind him, you turned him around and slammed his back against the counter.

"What're you-" You silenced him with a freshly cut strawberry, pressing it gently against his mouth but not forcing it into his maw. He reluctantly bit into the fruit, using his tongue to bring it into his mouth. A sly smirk appeared on your face as you leaned up and kissed him before he could swallow the fruit, erupting into a heated make-out session that was practically a battle for the strawberry.

Your hands felt like they were on fire as they trailed down his uniform shirt, undoing buttons in a hurry. What were you doing? It was like you couldn't control yourself, like your desire of seeing him without that fucking uniform possessed your every move.

The two of you pulled away only to breathe. For the first time ever, you managed to beat him, swallowing the strawberry with pride and lust in your eyes.

Through gasped breaths, Daichi stared down at you and said, "Damn, dumplin', you just couldn't wait, could you?" He was lucky to have finished his sentence: you let him. Your knee rose up between his legs, grinding against those damn uniform pants. Daichi hissed the second your touch came in contact with his growing bulge.

Your dominant hand practically tore his shirt, now fully unbuttoned, away from his shoulders while your other hand reached for another strawberry. Dragging the small fruit through the bowl of chocolate (which you melted just for your failed plan tonight, damnit), you made sure to take your time to spread chocolate all along his abs and chest before you started to lick it all off of him. The warmth from both the chocolate and your tongue made him shudder.

"What's gotten into you?" He finally managed to ask.

Your tongue flicked across his nipple to clean the chocolate from his skin, making his hips jerked against your knee. "Making up for my failed plan today."

Although this was your mistake, you really wanted to punish him for-

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

"Hey, dumplin'!" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He was still standing in front of the counter, knife in hand. His handcuffs remained at his waist. "What's wrong?"

Your innocent plans for the night, interrupted or not, didn't seem so innocent anymore. You let your mind wander a little too much- actually, a little sounded like an understatement. Suddenly the kitchen sink seemed interesting as you looked away, wanting to look at anything else but him. "Nothing."

However, you couldn't hide your face for long. One of Daichi's hands went across the far side of your face, turning your head to make you look at him again.

His other hand picked up a square of melon, raising it up to your lips with his own forming the softest smile. "Here. Open wide, dumplin'."

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