puppy love

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inspiration - yo some of these dorks are hella simps when they catch feelings.

just a bunch of headcanons for these dorks falling in love with you from a first glance.

these are just really adorable so don't yell at me for some of these taking place in their high schools okay cool.

random number generator chose characters for this so if your mans isn't here, i'll pick a fight with rng.

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alisa haiba's first instinct was to take you shopping. to get you whatever you laid your eyes on. she wanted to spoil you, make you feel like a member of a royal family. she wanted to see you happy.

if you think ryuunosuke tanaka didn't propose off the bat, you're wrong. he definitely got down on his knees and stared into your eyes, telling you that he would give you the perfect life. he promised you a genuine happily ever after.

takanobu aone couldn't take his eyes off of you. he didn't want to disturb you, so he simply stared. he watched from afar, watching you go about your day, talking and laughing with your friends. the tiniest smile appeared on his face as he saw how happy you looked.

between plays in a seijoh game, hajime iwaizumi stopped everything once he made eye contact with you in the stands. his mouth gaped, eyes went wide. when oikawa told him to snap out of it, he turned to bark out an insult to his best friend before he looked back at you. he grinned when he realized that you were real, that you weren't just an angel who would disappear once he looked away.

rintarou suna practically did a double-take as he noticed you. his stoic expression didn't break, but his spirit definitely did. when you looked back, his first thought went to your eyes. he thought they were beautiful.

kentarou kyotani was fine until you returned the eye contact. his voice caught in his throat and he had no idea what to say, even when you asked if he was alright. he didn't even bother to try to speak; he knew he wouldn't be able to if he tried.

daichi sawamura first noticed your hair. how beautiful it shined under the sun, blessing you with a halo of light. he almost thought he saw a pair of wings at your back. to snap himself out of it, he turned his back to you and slapped his hands against the sides of his face.

yuu nishinoya just about screamed when he first saw you. he barged right up and asked you out immediately. he was expecting a poor response, so when you didn't reject or hit him, he made the loudest gasp known to man.

koutarou bokuto didn't know whether he wanted to hide behind akaashi or go out and look his best when he noticed you, so he kind of just... stood there, staring with wide eyes and a bright red face. when you waved to him, akaashi had to tell him to return the gesture.

kenma kozume's hand unconsciously dropped to his side when he saw you. he no longer cared about whatever game he was playing on his phone, instead taking an interest in watching you. he didn't want to make a fool of himself, so he didn't approach first. when you looked back at him, he jumped before lowering his head and returning his gaze back to his phone (which he almost dropped).

kanji koganegawa went to ask you for directions on the street. when you turned to him, he suddenly was at a loss for words when he noticed how pretty you were up close. it took him a bit, but he finally got the words out. he sheepishly thanked you before speed-walking away. he came back after a few seconds to shoot his shot, ecstatic when you agreed to give him your number.

suguru daishou met you after mika broke up with him, after telling him that she would never come back to him again. the second he saw you, the thought of mika left his mind, all of his troubles washed away by a swarm of butterflies. ever since he met you, his teammates had to tell him who mika was for him to remember. he was completely over her when you came into his life.

eita semi noticed you in the crowd around him and his music group when they first started performing. luckily, he made eye contact with you when he was done with his part in a song, where there would be a short instrumental break. that almost wasn't enough time for him to catch his breath after he noticed how the lights made your eyes sparkle like gems.

kenjirou shirabu was pissed off after a bad day of practice. he was storming to his dorm on campus when he passed by you in the hallway. he didn't notice you at first, then he had to take a look back. he stopped and went back to greet you. after successfully getting your phone number, he couldn't even remember why he was in a bad mood in the first place.

yuuji terushima was with some of his friends, laughing about and seeing who they could ask out or go on a date with. when one of his buddies gestured to you and told yuuji to go for it, he was actually nervous and hesitant to approach you. with enough encouragement from his friends, he went up and asked you out on a date. aside for the beads of sweat on his face, you couldn't even tell how nervous he was.

shinsuke kita's calm expression quickly became a facade when he saw you. when you passed by, he told you how lovely you looked. he was very polite and careful not to creep you out. before he could go on with his day, you stopped him to introduce yourself, hoping to be friends. he was definitely shocked on why you would be his friend.

tobio kageyama first saw you on campus, right when he was walking away from the vending machine with his favorite carton of milk. he spat out his milk and rushed away when he noticed you. he messed up almost every set and serve that day. coach ukai had to force him to sit out of practice because he refused to talk about what was on his mind.

koushi sugawara noticed you on campus and since then, he couldn't stop thinking about you. tanaka and daichi hyped him up and got him to approach you. suga asked you out, not exactly expecting a positive answer. when you agreed to a date, the first thing he did was ask if you were dared or forced to say yes in any way.

shoyo hinata was so ungodly nervous when you told him how good of a volleyball player he was. you gave him your name and number and walked away. after a few moments to process what just happened, he was so hyper and excited that such a beautiful person would be a fan of his. he gushed about you to his entire team for at least an hour, making little sounds effects to add a dramatic effect. and then got a volleyball thrown at him because he wouldn't shut up.

osamu miya noticed you in the crowd at a nationals game he played in his third year at inarizaki. he could just barely notice you in the stands, but that was all he needed to know that you were the one. however, he was so fucking embarrassed to be related to atsumu, who noticed osamu's newfound habit of staring back at the crowd and mocked him. they almost got into a fight right in the middle of the court. they didn't, thankfully, but they did earn inarizaki a warning for the ruckus.

you had approached tooru oikawa outside of aoba johsai high school one day in the hopes of making him patch things up with tobio kageyama, a younger cousin of yours. when he first saw you, he blushed, but recovered quickly, laughing at your request. he said that he would only be interested in doing what you asked if you let him take you on a date.

keishin ukai saw you walk through the doors of the sakanoshita store. when you did, he dropped the magazine he was looking at and paid for everything you wanted from the store. he even slipped you his number, and you promised to call him once you got home. when you left, he mumbled to himself about how stunning you were.

satori tendou was gushing over the newest shonen jump to ushijima when you overheard him from a nearby lunch table. you chimed in with a reference to its newest chapter (which he loved) and asked to sit with them. when lunch was over, you asked tendou if he was able to hang out after classes that day. he couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day, knowing that he finally had someone who would understand all of the wacky references he would make.

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