stupid idiot

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inspiration - they're all idiots. all of them. they are all complete dorks.

if you think that hinata has no idea what sex is,

that sugawara is a mom,

that kuroo or ushijima are sex gods,

and many more,

that's embarrassing, keep it to yourself.

warning: this might actually offend some people so uh. yeah this is just me bullying your favorite characters.
trust me, if they're actually included anywhere in this book, i love them more than i love myself. i just love pointing out the fact that someone's comfort character is a himbo.

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hinata s.

if he went to an american public school, he would be the type of kid that moans from the back of the class.

he would also juke you in the halls. you know what i'm talking about.

natsu genuinely terrifies him sometimes. like she could be on some fuck shit and it would scare the fuck out of shoyo.

he would totally rock an ahegao hoodie to school.

he has definitely tried to get high by inhaling the fumes of a sharpie. kageyama smacked his hand and caused the marker to leave a line of ink in one of his nostrils.

he also shook a highlighter when kageyama told him not to, just to prove a point. his hands were stained with yellow ink for days.

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kageyama t.

watch this dumbass be lactose intolerant. have you ever seen a lactose intolerant person that doesn't consume at least one dairy product a day?

if anyone compliments him, he has no idea whether to insult them or factory reset.

i feel like a lot of girls find him attractive, but they are all afraid to talk to him.

he sometimes forgets to plug his phone in at night. there are several days where he came to school with his phone at like 13%.

he forgot kinoshita and narita's names at least three times. look at him and tell me he wouldn't do this. i dare you.

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sugawara k.

he's not a mom. he's a wine aunt at best.

a feral fucking animal. give suga a rabies shot.

never let this man go black friday shopping. he might actually kill someone.

edibles. do i have to explain myself.

on a serious note, who the fuck let this man grow to be an elementary school teacher. how has he not killed any of his students.

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