claim ;; bokuto k.

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inspiration - asking anonymous people for the first character and word that comes to their mind: someone said bokuto and "claim."

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"He wasn't trying anything-"

"Yeah he was! He breathed in your direction! Didn't you see? He was definitely trying to get with you!"

"Kou, I'm sure Kuroo's not like that!"

As Bokuto looked back in Kuroo's direction only to turn away from both of you. His large brows were furrowed, lips pursed together in an angry pout.

Bokuto gladly brought you to any and every game he played in. Seeing you in the stands cheering him on always inspired him to take home the gold. Whether he won or lost, you were always proud of him and he knew that.

This game was different. This was the first game he played against Kuroo that you came to watch. Not only did Bokuto's team get absolutely obliterated, but he thought that Kuroo was coming onto you. Key word: thought.

"That damn rooster-headed cat... what a... a dweeb," Bokuto muttered under his breath. His owl-like eyes of gold stared down at the wooden panels of the court's floor.

Oh boy, you thought, not another emo phase today.

"Calm down, Kou." As you reached out to him. The second your fingertips came in contact with his broad shoulder, his massive hand gripped your smaller wrist in a matter of seconds. He definitely wasn't just fast on the court.

Within utter heartbeats, he backed you against the nearest wall, towering over you and pinning the wrist he grabbed next to your head.

"I am calm."

He definitely was not calm. The bare image of you in the arms of Kuroo, or with anyone else at all, made him see red-- and red was the last color he wanted to envision, considering that Kuroo's team wore red even after he graduated from Nekoma. His breaths were long with loud, trembling huffs.

"Kou?-" You stopped speaking when he started leaning in. Bokuto buried his face in the crook of your neck, his lower arms against the wall on either side of your head. His knuckles were turning white from how hard his fists were clenched.

"I am calm, now let me claim you before I lose my mind. Right now."

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