heavy rain ;; sugawara k.

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inspiration - okay what is with yagami yato's suga audios and water. first the rain, now the ocean. but you know what, i ain't complaining.

step one: download patreon.

step two: become a patron to yagami yato; $5 tier or above.

step three: find the first sugawara audio titled, "rainy dates."

step four: go to exactly 44:00 and just listen. you're welcome.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Hurry up, I'm cold!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!" The door burst open the second he finished his sentence. The two of you rushed inside without a moment of hesitation, Suga shutting it quickly once you both were in.

Free from the pouring rain, at last. Both of you sighed and turned to each other. A brief moment of eye contact was shared before the two of you burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing!" Koushi said, practically doubled over. "I'm soaked over here!"

"We both are!"

He waited until he was done laughing. The two of you should not have been laughing for as long as you were. "I'm more wet than you are." He shook his head side to side like that of a dog, sending drops of rainwater out like projectiles. He walked around you with his hands at his sides and his chin held up in pride.

You rolled your eyes as you watched him go. "Awe, did Princess Suga enjoy her shower?"

"I did indeed-" Koushi reared around to face you again. His eyes of chocolate weren't focused on your expression, though.

The one day you decided to wear white.

Koushi spent a shameless moment to stare through your practically translucent top before he turned around a second time, his face growing more red by the second. It wasn't just the blush he was hiding; a sly smile appeared when he remembered all the times where that one transparent layer of clothes would disappear. "Go take some of my clothes and change."

You passed by him on your way to his room. "You pervert," you said in mock offense. You knew you could trust him, even if he had no shame in looking.

"Grab me some clothes too, doll!" He ignored your words, sending a wink to the back of your head.

You knew your way around his apartment. Down the hall to the right, it was basically muscle memory at this point. You opened the door and stepped inside, heading straight for your objective: his hoodie drawer.

Grabbing a hoodie for yourself and a shirt for him, you also snagged a couple pairs of sweatpants from his drawers to change into as well. You changed alone in his room, not because you didn't want Suga to see you, but just to be an asshole. While it was nothing he hadn't seen before, he'd still react if you stripped in front of him.

Leaving your wet clothes in his room, you grabbed the fresh outfit for him and shut the door to his bedroom on your way out. Just before you stepped foot in his living room, you stopped fidgeting with the oversized sleeves of his hoodie you wore to stare.

Standing beside the couch with his wet T-shirt in hand was none other than Suga. Snowy-white strands of hair dripped from the ends, absolutely drenched. He was turned away for you, thank god; not often were you blessed with a glorious view of his back muscles.

Thank you, Kami-sama, was your first thought.

By the time he noticed you, he was just about to undo the button on his jeans. He had glanced over his shoulder and did a double-take. Though it appeared innocent and sweet, there was a hint in something else in the smile that appeared on his face after a few seconds of silent eye contact.

He turned his body to you in the slightest, a bit of his well-sculpted chest revealed to you now. "What?" He asked, his words obviously rhetoric. No way in hell did he not know why you were staring. "Like something you see, sugar?"

"Yeah," you said with a single blink, "I see that God had favorites in mind when he made you."

He laughed aloud. "Shut up and give me my clothes. It's cold in here." You threw the shirt and sweatpants at him, to which he caught them in his hands with ease, letting the wet shirt fall to the floor in the process.

"Fuck you." You mumbled with a chuckle.

Koushi's eyes lit up like fucking Christmas lights at those words. He dropped the clean clothes, including the shirt he was just about to put on, already walking towards you. "As you wish."

Needless to say, you found a way to keep warm.

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