Chapter 1

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Edited and Rewritten

"Prince Harry. I have your breakfast." A soft voice said above him. He open his eyes to see his maid Maria holding a breakfast tray. It was balanced perfectly on one hand and Harry has always wondered how she does it without dropping it. Because as everyone knows, he is extremely clumsy.
"Mmm... Thank you Maria." Harry mumbled sleepily. Lately he hasn't been a morning person and he doesn't know why. Maybe it has something to do with his father always on his back ready to scold him for the smallest things. Harry turned to look at his clock to see it was nine in the morning.
"My pleasure your Majesty." She curtsied, smiling. "I'll pick out your outfit for today." She turned around and headed towards his dresser. Although Harry has told her he can do it himself, she still insists. He looks at the food, three pieces of bacon, two eggs, three pancakes and a cup of tea. Just the way it usually was. Because he rarely had cereal for breakfast and it was either pancakes or English muffins.

He starts eating as Maria read his schedule to him, placing his clothes at the end of the bed. He truly believes she rehearses his schedule in the mirror. But it sounds so strange, Harry hopes it's not true.

"Your father would like to speak with you today at 10."

"Why?" Harry was quite shocked by this, his father despised him the most out of him and his two brothers. Luckily he was the oldest and would be first to take the throne. As long as he didn't die or exiled, Harry was sure to take the throne.

"I do not have any intel on the situation. Please forgive me." She moves her head to look down at the floor.

It's sad that Maria thinks she's in the wrong. Harry knows for a fact that his brothers would have smacked her then and there if they didn't get what they wanted. They had one shaved her gorgeous wavy blonde hair clean off and she wasn't seen for days. But Harry loves Maria. She filled in his mothers position after she died when he was seven.
"It's ok Maria. There is no need to be apologetic to me in this situation." Harry spoke softly, not wanting to speak in his normal pitches tone. He didn't want Maria to feel like he was scolding her. He then proceeded to nibble at a strip of bacon. Harry's never been much on bacon ever since he was younger. It was greasy, smelled strange and wasn't good for his health at all. Harrys pretty sure bacon causes heart attacks. Mainly because of all the grease on them. Although he's truly not sure. Maria thanked him for his generosity and curtsied before she leaves him in the silence of his room. Silence wasn't something he enjoyed all the time. Although, it was nice to be alone and in the peace of silence, he loved the adrenaline he got when something was happening. Something dangerous and thrilling always made him crave for more. And maybe it was because Harry never got much time to get into trouble as a child. Always studying and being taught to how to act.

Harry finished eating and got dressed, making sure to wash the grease and some syrup that ended up on his hands somehow. He did enjoy picking out his outfits, but he always thinks to himself that Maria always does a good job picking out outfits. The clothes she chooses always looked lovely together like those supposed power couples that don't last. Yet, Harry hopes he marries someone and they are seen as a powerful couple. But they do last and they're love doesn't erode away over time. After a moment of pondering over his thoughts in front of his body length mirror, he headed to his father's cabinet. Two guards stood still like statues guarding the doors, and it has always bothered Harry how they bow before he even reaches the door.

"You wanted to see me father." Harry announced upon entering the room.

"There'd be no other reason to see you them." His father's voice laced in an impatient tone. "As you well know of my unknown disease, our physician does not know how much time I have left." His father, Desmond lets out a sigh and looks down at his hands. It's truly shocking how not even the kingdom's most intellectual physician doesn't know what's wrong with the King. Harry has become unbothered and no longer worries about when his father goes. Not for his greed to take over the throne, just the fact that his father was a manipulative asshole and never did any good to the people he swore to protect. He's turning 80 which is a fairly decent age to go at. Though Desmond has wanted for the longest time to at least live into his 90's like his father did before him. "Harry, you need to find a loyal partner, before you can take the throne."

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