Chapter 6

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*1 Week After Shopping*

Louis's POV.

I felt horrible. I kept throwing up at 8 am and then at 7 pm for six days in a row. I've had times where I felt nauseous and had migraines. The physician said that I probably just had a bug that needed to run it's course. I thought otherwise, so did Harry. We both think I have the flu or something.

Harry has been busy meeting women so he could take the throne. Although I was upset, since I've finally admitted to myself that I have fallen in love with him. I haven't gotten the balls to tell him though. But if I didn't soon, I would have no chance against the girls. They were beautiful and overall quite a flirtatious bunch.

I heard a knock on the door, which meant it was usually Maria, Niall or the physician, Zayn.
"Come in." I said in a monotone voice.  Zayn was the closest one to me in friendship than Maria and Niall. I adored all of them, they were all sweet and caring. Niall never really came around and Maria usually asked how I was doing while she brought me my meals. All three were threatened, well mostly there jobs were by Harry to keep me hidden from his father. I've never met the King, but Harry despises him. Saying he's an asshole and wants to control his life like a citizen. How rude to use citizen in such manner.

The door opened to reveal Zayn with his aid kit and Maria beside him with my lunch.
"Hi Zayn. Hi Maria." I said smiling. I loved it when they would decide to come at the same time, we had the best conversations.
"Hello Louis." Maria said beaming a bright smile as she sat my lunch in front of me. She took her usually spot beside me.
"Lou! My boy how've you been?" Zayn said in a booming voice. Even though I liked it better when Harry called me Lou, I didn't mind.
"I'm okay at the moment. I had a migraine about an hour ago and felt nauseous earlier today after Maria brought me breakfast." I replied looking down at my hands.
"I'm sorry to here that." Maria said with a worried look on her face.

"Well Louis. Here's the thing. Harry wants me to take a blood and urine test. He thinks you're pregnant. Or having symptoms of that such nature. I'll give you the results as soon as possible. But if you haven't noticed, Harry is freaking out about you. He wants to do everything he can to make you feel better." Zayn said his mood changing though out his speech. He was worried, serious, sarcastic and then sounded worried again towards the end. It was a lot to take in. How in the hell does Harry think I'm pregnant. That's impossible. If anything, Zayn should be worried about Harry's mental state than me. Second, Harry is absolutely adorable. How he wants to make sure I'm ok and in absolute fantastic health. I simply nodded my head and I took the cup that Zayn had given me to pee in. I had to pee anyways.

I came back to Zayn dabbing alcohol on a cotton ball.
"That won't hurt will it?" I said worryingly. I wasn't a fan of needles.
"No, it should only hurt for the first few seconds." He replied as he rolled up my hoodie sleeve. He dabbed the area with alcohol to make sure it was clean.
"Ready?" Zayn asked putting the needle up to my arm. I simply nodded bracing myself for the pain. Zayn started and I scrunched my face together trying to hold back a whine. A few seconds later Zayn was finished and cleaned the area again with the cotton ball, before putting a bandaid on it.

"See not to bad right." Zayn said walking over to his bag. I rolled my eyes and sarcastically said 'Yeah not too bad'. Zayn laughed at my reaction, before he said his goodbye to go do analyzes. Maria and I talked for a while about Zayn's crush on Harry's brother Liam.

"I feel bad for Zayn a bit." Maria said with sympathy "He's loved Liam since the first day he started working here 5 years ago."
"Dang. Maybe he should hook up with Liam. It worked for me." I laughed for a moment before getting serious "But on a serious note, he either needs to find someone to take his mind off Liam, or just tell him." Maria agreed with a nod of the head. She has told Zayn several times, but he never listens. Maria left a while, soon the doors opened revealing Harry.

He looked tired, like he hadn't slept in days.
"Harry. Are you feeling good? You look tired." I said in a worried tone. I didn't want him to be sick, because of me.
"No I'm fine. You should be worried about yourself. While on the topic. How are you?" He said plopping down on the coach. I sat down beside him.
"Shitty like the last six days." I scoffed. I don't know why I'm angry. I've been experiencing a lot of mood swings.

"See, this is why I think your pregnant." Harry added placing a hand on my thigh. "Your having mood swings, migraines, vomiting and feeling nauseous from time to time... I may or may not have looked up signs of pregnancy. Or searched if a guy could get pregnant. Turns out over in America, they found a rare symptom called the Feminine Buttocks Syndrome or FBS. Where a man has both male and female reproductive parts. Except for a you know a butthole, with the tubes and everything, like..."
"I get it Harry." I gritted through my teeth. "And I don't have a FBS, if that even exists." I crossed my arms and looked the opposite way of Harry's direction. I know I'm acting like a kid, but he was making no sense.
"Here. If you don't believe me read this article." Harry sighed and walked to the bathroom. It was 6:30, which meant 30 more minutes before I would have the feeling to vomit again.

After 5 minutes of hearing the shower run, I turn to Harry's phone on the couch beside me. I unlocked it, since Harry let me put my finger print in it for some reason. I read the article, it said everything Harry said. Almost word for word. I got the feeling of guilt which I deserved. I was pissed at Harry for no good reason. I felt hot tears roll down my checks. Why? Why am I crying? I let out a sob and Harry came out a few minutes later, to comfort me. Why am I such a mess?


Hi Everyone!

Here's my 6 chapter!

We're finally getting to Louis being pregnant!!! I'm really excited!!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Word Count ~ 1138


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