Chapter 26

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Louis was packed and ready to go in 30 minutes after 2 P.M. He made sure Lottie took care of Misty, and said goodbye to her, Maria, Rose and some of the staff. No one was changing his mind. And when Louis meant no one, he meant it. Lottie and several others told him not to, and he cursed them out or didn't give a damn what they were saying. He was out the door and to the airport, before someone held him back.

Meanwhile, Harry was still asleep, and the rest were freaking out. Liam was trying to calm everyone down when he was freaking out, Niall was running around like he was a spooked chicken, and Zayn was trying to breathe.

"Please Niall. Calm the fuck down." Liam was losing his patience, and was trying to think of a plan and Niall was not helping.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Niall stopped and stared with Liam at Zayn Who was still trying to breathe. "Just calm down and listen." Niall took a deep breath to calm himself, but that didn't last long when he heard Harry's voice.

"Louis? He's coming?" All three stared at Harry. He woke up quicker than expected.

"Yeah... he is." Liam said taking a seat beside Harry's bed.

"Is that a bad thing?" Harry asked confused.

"Yes." Harry frowned. It was not a bad thing his baby was coming. He got to see his Lou. His pregnant, baby Lou. Harry smiled and Liam sighed knowing Harry would never see it as a bad thing.

After the three left the room to freak out somewhere else. Harry turned on some music to listen to. The song Fools Gold by a band that Louis became infatuated with filled the room. Harry smiled and sang along while he waited to see his Lou.
"One day until I get to see me babies." Harry's says almost cooing. Zayn shakes his head as he hands Harry a glass of water and pain meds.

"Harry. You know Louis will freak right?" He asks as Harry swallows down his pills.

"Yes. But at least he hasn't been for all of yesterday."

"We're worried! He could shIT OUT YOUR KIDS THERE AND THEN!!"

"You're not worried you're scared."

"ITS THE SAME THING!" Harry shook his head and went back to looking through his phone. Just then he got a text from Louis.

Loubear💙: Haz are you okay? I'm omw to see you.

Hazza💚: I mean.... how okay are we speaking?

Loubear💙: What kind of fucking question is that?!

Hazza💚: You're right. I'm say a 7-8/10. I have some wounds but I'll be okay. Nothing too bad.

Loubear💙: wOUnDs!!!

Hazza💚: Yes. I got shot on the side and the shoulder. But I'm okay. We'll be okay.

Loubear💙: Yea yea. Your right. We'll be okay. No me just about to breakdown in an airport

Hazza💚: You're*

Hazza💚: And it's ok. You'll see me soon and see that I'm okay.

Loubear💙: Nows not the time to fix grammar mistakes Haz

Hazza💚: Always time to fix grammar mistakes Lou.

Loubear💙: Whatever you think Hazza. But still... you're hurt

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