Chapter 7

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*Two days after getting the Samples*

Zayn's  POV.

I wish I was taking care of Liam instead of Louis. Not that I hate Lou, just that Liam's a meal. With his big muscles and his piercing brown eyes. I could look at him all day. He...

"Zayn I got the results! You'll never believe this!" My assistant Catherine said running into my office with the papers. I snapped out of my daydream and took the papers that Catherine handed to me."You won't believe it Zayn, you just won't." Catherine said gasping for air. I looked at the papers. As I read them I felt Catherine's eyes on me waiting for my answer.
I kept reading and everything seemed fine, until a hormone only found in pregnant woman came up.

"Cat, please tell me how this is possible." I said in a stern voice. She gave me a tablet with a website pulled up. Is It Possible For A Man to Get Pregnant? I read through and sure enough it was possible.
"How in the hell am I to break this to Lou and Harry. Harry's going to lose his throne if his father finds out! And he's already hiding Lou! And if he can keep Lou hidden for nine months, he'll be hiding a baby kid as well!"

I leaned back in my chair and all I could do was give news about health, help get you healthy, and watch Harry's life crumble in it all. He's fucked up his life and when his father finds out, Lou will be lucky to live and Harry will be lucky to still take the throne. Maybe his father will be dead by then, but no one knows. The unknown disease he has could give him a long painful death. Which won't help Harry.

"Zayn!" I heard Cat scream at me. I jolted back in my seat.
"What the fuck Cat?!" I yelled at here. Cat crossed her arms and looked at me, with anger in her eyes.
"I've been trying to get your attention for over 2 minutes now. It's Harry's day off. You need to go tell them at the same time. Cause who in the hell knows if Lou has the balls to tell him!" Silence washed over between me and Cat before I finally got up. Without another word I picked up the papers and walked towards Harry's bed chamber.

Louis's POV.

Harry and I we're watching Clue, until it ended being a game.
"It was you!" Harry yelled as he pointed his finger at me. "You killed the owner and the maid! With a gun and then with the pipe!" Maria was laying dead over on the bed. She came in to the middle of and we let her join.
"I swear I was never with the maid. I was with Ms. Scarlet the whole time!" I shouted in my defense. "The last person I saw with the maid was-" The door swung open and in came Zayn.

"Zayn! Don't you know what a knock is!" Harry shouted.
"I did knock! And I need to talk to you both now!!!" Zayn said in a stern voice. Maria was out of the room and me and Harry sat down on the couch. Zayn in front of us in a chair. Pure fear washed over me, it was the results of if I was pregnant.
"Now... Louis calm down." Zayn looked over at me. I was shaking. Harry wrapped his arm around me to try to calm me down. Zayn sighed " Lou you're perfectly fine and to get straight to the point you are indeed pregnant. I believe Harry already told you how that is possible. You were born with a rare symptom that somehow can't be found until something like this. You'll be fine, you'll just be caring a kid for nine months. Putting-" Harry have Zayn a stern look which made Zayn shut up. I was shocked and felt like I needed to throw up. I'm pregnant! No no no!!

"No! I can't be?! That's going to hurt Harry!" I pulled my hair in my hands and couldn't breathe.
"Lou breathe. We'll be okay. I promise. Nothing will happen to me." Harry said in a calming voice.
"How can you just say that!" I yelled. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I heard Zayn tell Harry something before Harry came to check on me.
"Lou. I don't know what to do like you. But we'll do it together. Okay?"
"Okay? What do you mean okay? We are even dating. I'm now a pregnant man. If your father finds out." I rambled off before throwing up again.

"Lou you need to calm down please. Your stressing out so much that your throwing up. Please, please calm down." Harry pleaded. I looked up to see his emerald green eyes trying to hold back tears. Which didn't help me. I started feeling hot tears run down my cheeks.
"I'm scared." I finally said before throwing up again.
"I know. You need to calm down though. We can do this. Together. I promise I'll never leave you wether we're dating or not. I won't... I..." I felt Harry's arms wrap around me. His tears getting the back of my shirt wet.

"You promise." I said turning myself around to face him. He nodded his head and I finally wrapped my arms around him. We sat there for a good 5 minutes before getting up. I was exhausted and Harry flushes the toilet and helped me change my clothes. "Harry. Can we maybe do something tomorrow. Out on the town."
"Of course. Anything to take your mind off of all of this. You haven't left this room in over a week either. I'm sorry for that. I have a meeting with my father tomorrow too at six I believe. Which gives us plenty of time." Harry replied in a soothing voice. He helped me into bed. I fell asleep soon after.

Harry's POV.

It was only 6:30 when Louis drifted off to sleep. I feel bad for him. He's so stressed out about this and I'm not sure if I'm enough to help him.

I looked at the list of women that I had to choose from... while my father was still alive. I'm glad he hasn't had a meeting with me in a while. Our last one went horribly, as always. All he did was ask me about the list and why I didn't like this woman, or this one. He's crazy if he thinks I'm marrying one. I'm going to postpone this marrying a woman thing for as long as possible. For me, and for Lou.

I've cut it down to five women. Lily, Diana, Rose, Sara and Emma. Every Kingdom either names there girls a flower or a common name. It's annoying. What's even more annoying was that I'm 35 and they're all in there late 20's or early 40's.

"Harry?" I heard a sleepy voice. I turn to see Louis sitting up in bed, 6:58. "Harry I don't feel good. I got up quickly, not wanting him to vomit on my bed. I picked him up and put him in front of the toilet. My poor Lou. After he finished vomiting. I picked him, check him to make sure he got no vomit on him. And laid him back in bed.

"Harry." I heard him say softly. "Did I ever tell you that I love you." His words went straight through my heart. He loved me. I've waited so long for him to say it.
"I love you too Lou." I crawled into bed beside, and feel asleep. Maybe I could ask you to be my boyfriend. Maybe.


Hi everyone!

Today is Harry Styles Birthday!!! 🥳 I hope he has a good one. 27!

I had three POVS to show Zayn's and Louis's reaction to the results, I didn't have a lot for this chapter so I wrote Harry's POV.

I hope you like chapter seven.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Word Count~ 1296


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