Chapter 20

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There's a part that some of you might find disturbing. ^*^ this will indicate the beginning and end of the part.

Louis and Harry, since Harry missed 3 months of Lou's pregnancy, and Louis being depressed, they've finally gotten around to buying what they need. They haven't even started on the nursery yet!

On their way to the store they stopped to get food at Raising Crane's. Louis was craving their delicious Texas bread.

"Hey babe." Harry looked at Louis as their driver stopped at a red light. Louis was stuffing his face full and stopped to look at Harry.

"Y-s Haz?" Louis was talking with his mouth full, which only bothered Harry, since he was taught not to do that. But his Louis looked adorable.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, I read where you could choke." Harry felt he car begin to move as the light turned green. "Do you have any ideas for the nursery. Since it's two girls and one boy?" Louis swallowed his food before answering.

"Well, I did see this one idea, of a sunset over the savannah. It was beautiful and what kid doesn't like giraffes or lions? I mean, they made the movie The Lion King for a reason right? Because both girl and boy likes animals." By the time Louis gave his long explanation on the nursery idea. Harry couldn't help but imagine it in his head. The orange and pink sunset, and the shadows of plants and animals. It was beautiful.

"That sounds lovely Lou. But, we might also need to get you clothes." Harry smirked and Louis didn't know why. Until he saw Harry's stare, looking at his chest. Louis knew he was getting boobs, and wanted to hide it from Harry. He didn't want Harry to get all the milk that he was producing for his three babies.

" I hope you know, you're not getting any. Hawaiian shirt boy." Louis rolled his eyes at Harry's dramatic expression.

"Dare you, make fun of me and my Hawaiian shirt! But, Louis, I know you think I look sexy in it." Harry smirked again as he saw Louis's cheeks become a bit pink. Suddenly, Harry got the best idea he's had in a long, long time. He slowly, unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time, watching Louis just stare at him. He could see Louis's pupils dilating, letting Harry know it was working.

They were about 20 minutes away from the baby store, when their make out session happened. Louis couldn't take the sight of Harry slowly undressing his upper body. The sight of his toned abs and beautiful tattoos that littered his upper body made his cock twitch. And before Harry could even get the last button, Louis smacked his lips against Harry's. He knew he let Harry get what he wanted, but he didn't care. Harry felt Louis's lips on his, they were so soft and not to mention how sweet Louis tasted. In conclusion, Harry was addicted. And Louis was his drug.

Their make out was cut short when Harry was on top of Louis and he didn't want to hurt his 4 babies. When they finally made it to the store, Louis and Harry got out, as their driver waited for them to return with what they bought. But not without looking at Harry and Louis with a small smirk on his face. He was their throughout their whole session.

"What do we need?" Harry asked as he grabbed a cart and took Louis's hand.

"Well for my birthday, I mostly got baby clothes and stuffed animals, and Lottie got me a playmat and some toys. So, we need car seats, strollers, cribs, changing table, some more clothes, diapers, and a lot more." Louis rambled off. He hadn't noticed how Harry's expression changed when he mentioned his birthday. Harry was so upset he missed his first time being together with Louis on his birthday, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, he wanted to spend it all with Louis. But he had to be in that stupid ass coma. He watched Louis make it down the aisle, taking off clothes and pacifiers, asking every once in a while what Harry thought. But Harry, would agree with Louis on anything. He just wanted him to be happy.

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