Chapter 16

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Louis's POV

Harry is my everything. Seriously! He got me pregnant with three kids. He's my adorable dumbass, boyfriend, and baby daddy, that I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Sure he may be a non caring ass for his father, but he literally got me a pink, blue, and purple replica blanket of the red fluffy one. I cried for about an hour, as I laid in his arms, the four blankets around us. That was 2 hours ago, now we have a huge fort made in front of the tv watching the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

"Hey Haz. I'll be back." I got out of his lap and went to the bathroom... again. I have would have missed at least 15 minutes out of each movie if Harry didn't pause the movie for me. It's absolutely annoying. Why does pregnancy have to make you pee so much?! Once I finished I got scared by Harry who barged in.

"What the fu.." I was cut off by Harry hugging me.

"I got worried Lou. I know you have gone to the bathroom like twenty times already, but... I don't know..."

"It's okay Hazza. Look at me." He looked up at me and I saw his emerald green eyes, with unshed tears. "This shows me how much you care, Hazza. I will always be grateful for that." He smiled, his beautiful dimples showing and came to kiss my forehead, picked me up and placed me back in front of the tv. After we got into a good position to cuddle Harry pushed play on the remote. We were just starting the second movie.

*An hour into the movie*

"Hazza, while your favorite character so far."

"I like Tia Dalma. She's magical, but Captain Jack for sure."

"Really? The main character. Everyone likes the main character Haz."

"Well duh, it's the main character. And the main characters are actually, Will and Elizabeth, not Jack. Everyone just liked him better than Will and Elizabeth. But who do you like Lou?" He's like an expert on this movie series. Who plays who. What is what. How this and that happened. How many times has this boy watched this?

"I liked Barbossa. But he died, so I'll go with Will." Why did Barbossa have to die. He was the best. I mean yeah, he did take Jack's ship and crew, but he's the best. He loves green apples, I love apples. We're the same person. Except for I'm not part dead... or even a pirate... or that old.

"Falling for the main character I see. Everyone does that Lou."

"Shut up Haz."
*End of movie*
- If you haven't seen the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I recommend you watch them, and this part is a spoiler if you haven't watched them.-

"Your fucking kidding me right!!"

"Lou, calm down. It's okay."

"Okay?! Jack dies!"

"Thought you didn't like him."

"I never said that! Jack dies!"

"You just said that."

"Stop being a sassy ass Styles! Elizabeth killed Jack! Will is questioning Elizabeth's love for him! Barbossa is back! What he fuck kind of cliffhanging movie ending is this!?" I was furious. How could Walt Disney make a movie ending like that! One word, unkind. Aren't you suppose to treat people with kindness? Harry says it 24/7, and I swear, I could write a song about it. He's says it that much.

"Uh, an ending telling us there's a third movie."


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